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Q: Would you still feel pregnant if you had a miscary?
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Can you still be pregnant and your period come on and still feel pregnant?

Typically if you get your period you are not pregnant.

How do you feel if you get period every month but still feel movement for the past 4 weeks?

Its possible to be pregnant and still have a period I did with my son for 5 months and he came out fine and u may have a negative pregnancy test and still be pregnant so I would go to the doctor

You still feel naucious after you took tests that saidyou were not prganant can you still be pregnant?

As you feel naucious and the report was negative , I suggest you take a urine test from a new set see the date it will tell you if you are pregnant.

I feel pregnant but have had two tests and still havent come on could you be pregnant?

Yes you could still be pregnant. Blood tests are more accurate, you should probably go do one of those

Can you be pregnant if a pregnancy test says no and the ultra scan says no but feel some what pregnant?

absolutley! you may be taking the test too soon and your HCG (pregnancy hormone) has not risen high enough to register on a test. and an ultrasound (depending on the machines quality/some are better then others) will not detect a pregnancy at an ealry stage either. if you feel pregnant i would wait a week and take another otc test. if it is still neg i would wait another week and test again. if the test is still negative and you still feel pregnant and you have not gotten your period i would go back to your OBGYN and advise him or her of the situation. they should be able to help you. best of luck,prayer is power.

Should I stop birth control if my tests came back negative but I still feel pregnant?

Should I stop birth control if my tests came back negative, but I still feel pregnant, but haven't missed a period yet?

Can you have like period pain and still be pregnant?

Honestly i feel that this can happen during pregnantcy.

You have cramps and feel like im on your period but you have no bleeding?

wait a couple days and if you still have no bleeding take a pregnancy test. when i was pregnant i could feel slight cramps every month when i normally would have had my period

Can your period still come on and you feel pregnant? Yes, you can still have your period and be and feel pregnant. My Mom had her period with all 3 of us.

Why would you feel your insides jump and you can see this from outside no i am not pregnant?

If you are not pregnant and you feel your insides jumping around and can see it from the outside it could simply be a muscle spasm.

If had a miscarriage 7 weeks ago at 7 weeks pregnant but you still feel the same am bloated constantly could you still be pregnant?

If the doctor examined you after the miscarriage you are not pregnant anymore. He would've caught it. It takes several weeks for the hormones to settle so that might be it or you are pregnant again.

Would a home pregnancy test always be positive 4 days after a missed period or could it take longer?

if you were pregnant it should show after 4 days but if it does not and still feel pregnant or are having symptoms wait another week or so and retest if you still have question make an appoinment with your doctor