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1. ignites the gunpowder to send the rocket up ; 2. ignites the chemicals that produce light and noise

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Emmanuel Ward

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2y ago
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5d ago

Having multiple separate fuses in a rocket can provide redundancy and ensure that critical systems can still function in case one fuse fails. It can enhance safety by preventing a single point of failure from causing a catastrophic event.

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Q: Would you want to have two or more separate fuses in a rocket?
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How would you classify sugar water?

Sugar water would be classified as a homogeneous mixture. It is a combination of two or more substances that are evenly mixed and do not separate over time.

Why is oxygen transported as a liquid instead of a gas in a rocket ship?

Oxygen is transported as a liquid in a rocket ship because liquid oxygen is more dense and takes up less space than gaseous oxygen, allowing for more efficient storage in the limited space of a rocket. Additionally, liquid oxygen is more stable and easier to control during the combustion process in the rocket engine.

Can we separate the cornstarch from the water using filter paper?

No, you cannot separate cornstarch from water using filter paper alone because cornstarch particles are too small to be captured by the filter paper. You would need to use a more advanced separation technique like centrifugation or evaporation to separate cornstarch from water effectively.

Which of these compounds would require the greatest energy to separate it into ions in the gaseous state NaCl NaI MgO Na2O or MgCl2?

MgO would require the greatest energy to separate into ions in the gaseous state because it has the strongest ionic bond due to the high electronegativity difference between magnesium and oxygen.

Why can't we separate a solvent from solution by filtration?

Filtration is used to separate a solid from a liquid in a mixture, not to separate a solvent from a solution, which is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. To separate the solvent from a solution, techniques such as distillation or evaporation are typically used.

Related questions

Why would you want to have 2 or more separate fuses in a rocket?

you would wnt this because if one went out you would have back up.

Why would you want to have two or more separate fuses in a rocket?

1. ignites the gunpowder to send the rocket up ; 2. ignites the chemicals that produce light and noise

What controls the thrust of a rocket?

Liquid rocket engines would act much like a car engine. More fuel, more thrust. Solid rocket engines are either on or off. No throttle control.

What is the advantage of a rocket having 4 fins?

it would have more control.

Why would fusion be a better source of energy?

because it fuses together to form more and more energy!

Would having more fins on a bottle rocket be better?

Fins are used to help keep a rocket stable. The only way to find out if more fins will make it more stable is by testing it.

Why would one headlight work and not the other?

I would say the bulb is blown in it, Are it has a bad ground. Some vehicles have a separate fuse for left and right headlights and high and low functions so check your fuses too. More vehicle info like year and make would help.

What is the difference between a multistage rocket and a single stage rocket?

MULTISTAGE rocket ENGINES have MORE than A single STAGE and ARE more EFFICIENT in ACCELERATING the ROCKET................

Why is th tip of the rocket made pointer?

The tip of a rocket is pointy to increase aerodynamics and reduces drag. For example, if a rocket had a flat end, it would create more drag and slow the rocket down. It's also the same for planes too.

A rocket that has two or more than stages?

Yes a rocket usually has 2 or more stages, to take off, a lot of fuel is required, after reaching the required orbit, carryin so much extra fuel would be a burden so before the rocket settles in the orbit, 1 or more stages maybe removed

What cost more then a rocket?

A bigger rocket. It is a relative question and will depend on the cost of the original rocket to start with.

What is a rocket with 2 or more stages is called?

It is called a multistage rocket.