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I don't know about yours, but ours would be in BIG trouble! :-) (I know, Wikianswers wouldn't let you write it the way it made sense - those bastards! :-) Anyway, the first two reasons that come to mind why Nitrogen is vital to the health of our planet (and they are enough!) are: * If the atmosphere were all Oxygen, the first fire would be the last one, that is it would burn like crazy until everything was gone (ignoring second order effects like build-up of Carbon Dioxide), and * Plants depend on a Nitrogen Cycle for their fundamental existence - without Nitrogen, no plants (at least as we know them). Keep your fingers crossed!

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Q: Would your planet be healthier without nitrogen?
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What would happen if there was no one on earth?

the world would be alot healthier without us polluting it. otherwise, not much... at all.

What does the sun provide us with?

*Life* ...... because without the suns rays warming up the planet the whole of the planet wouldn't have any heat to warm up the world making it lifeless!!The sun is like the heart of the world ! without it we would die!!!

How does gravity help humans?

Gravity is one of a million things that is just right to keep our planet functioning. For instance without gravity our atmosphere would dissipate and everything living thing on the Earth would die. Without sufficient gravity our planet might look more like our moon. Gravitational interactions with our moon control the tides of Earth's oceans, another part of the puzzle that holds us together. Without the stability provided for our global environment by healthy oceans, our Planet would die.

What would you need to survie on another planet?

Since earth is the only planet we know that has life manyscientists go by what is found here on earth. So, you will need water, oxygen, heat, nitrogen ,and various other chemicals. In addition, some form of food to sustain life living on the planet.

Why is our planet the only planet to have life?

Our planet is the perfect distance from our sun to receive enough light to keep water in a liquid form, our atmosphere has a well balanced amount of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and other gases to support life and trap heat within the planet. Our planet also has water, a very important 'ingredient' for life. It is also a 'rock' planet not a gas planet and has a strong enough gravitation pull to hold on to our atmosphere, without this gravity the gases in our atmosphere would drift into space. Which is why Mars's atmosphere contains a very little amount of Oxygen, it when into space over millions of years. All other planets we have seen in our galaxy do not have the requirements for life, they are either too hot, too cold, too toxic, etc. And the odds of a planet meeting these requirements are astronomical.

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It would be hell on earth.

How would life be without nitrogen?


How much nitrogen is on mercury?

Mercury is a terrestrial planet and does not have a significant atmosphere. Therefore, nitrogen levels on Mercury are typically very low. Any nitrogen present on Mercury would likely be as trace amounts within the planet's crust.

Why is nitrogen more than oxygen in the atmosphere?

The atomosphere would be explosive otherwise and the planet uninhabitable. Nitrogen acts as nature's diluent.

Why do we need nitrogen i the atmosphere?

Without nitrogen in the atmosphere, we would be breathing in nearly pure oxygen, which would be fatal.

Can you land on a planet without fling?

In theory, it would be possible to land on a planet without fling.

What would the world be like without air?

Without air, we would not be able to live, We would try to breathe in oxygen but there would be none there so we would shrivel up and die, just like in space, that's why astronauts wear space suits so they can breathe.

Do we need nitrogen?

Proteins are mostly made of nitrogen. Almost everything in your body is made of proteins so we would die without nitrogen.

Is nitrogen important for survival?

without nitrogen our bodys would over oxygenate (get to much oxygen). nitrogen is important for plants, after all they breath in nitrogen and breath out oxygen.

What is nitrogen necessary for?

Nitrogen is necessary for life on earth. Without nitrogen, which makes up some 78% of the earth's atmosphere, we would be breathing in nearly pure oxygen and that would be fatal.

Will a planet without a moon have extreme tides?

No, a planet without a moon would not have extreme tides. Tides are primarily caused by the gravitational pull between a planet and its moon. Without a moon, there would be no significant tidal forces acting on the planet.

What is the biggest planet with no gases?

If you mean what is the biggest planet without an atmosphere, then the answer would be Mercury.