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Currently it is not possible to switch faction and server at the same time. you have to do one, then the other.

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Q: Wow can you change faction and server sametime?
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Yes, and it is a really great private server,No hacks allowed. Omega wow is the best private server around. if you have questions you can always post on the board. The best thing its free and a lot of friendly people are playing there. It is a really cozy server. half of the world aRE HOOKED ON IT WOW

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If you fail to get a connection after logging in, it usually means the realm is down and will send you to a list to choose a server. It might also hang at "connect" but the game does not go further. In both cases, you have to wait for the server to come back online. If you want to change servers, simply click the "change server' button above your character list and choose another server. To reconnect to your server due to lag or instability, the best way is not just to log out of WoW and log back in, but to actually reboot your PC as well.

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If you are playing WoW on a Private Server, you have no legal rights for tech support beyond what you get from the Admins of that server. Because of this, any technical difficulties you experience with WoW you will have to contact them for.

Is there a code that resets a wow private server?

Only a GM/Gms of the server can do that.

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A private server on World Of Warcraft is just that, a private server on World Of Warcraft.