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library IEEE;


entity shiftreg is

Port ( en : in STD_LOGIC;

clock : in STD_LOGIC;

reset :in std_logic;

data_i : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);

shift : in STD_LOGIC;

data_o : out STD_LOGIC);

end shiftreg;

architecture Behavioral of shiftreg is

signal reg: std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);


process (clock, en,reg,reset)


if reset<='1' then


elsif (clock'event and clock <='1' ) then

if (en <='1') then

reg <= data_i;

elsif (en<='1' and shift<='1') then

reg <= reg (14 downto 0) & '0';

end if;

end if;

end process;

data_o <= reg (15);

end Behavioral;

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Q: Write VHDL Code for a 16-bit shift left register?
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How do you convert spatial code into temporal code?

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shift register

Applications of shift register?

shift registers can be used in CDMA(code division multiple access) in communication.

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Register the function(s) containing the code with atexit.

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A register used to store an address of something in memory. Its invention eliminated the need to write self modifying code.

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Its impossible. The codes only work when activated at a cash register. And I doubt you can get the code right between the time a person activates it at a register and uses it.

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use bank-switching, or (slower) a shift register.

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go online to webkinz start as a new user them write th secret code and the rest is easy

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What is count register purpose?

The 8085 does not have a specific "count" register. Any register can be used, in the larger context of a block of code, as a count register.