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Q: Write a literal representing the integer value zero?
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What are literals in java?

In Java, a literal is the source code representation of a fixed value and are represented without requiring computation. The various types are Integer, Floating-Point, Character and String literals.

How can 50 be expressed as an integer?

50 can be expressed as the integer "fifty" or as the numerical value 50.

Write a line of code that asks the python user to input an integer greater than 0 and store this value in a variable and display its value?

integer = input("Please input an integer greater than 0: ") print(integer)

How do you write the value of a decimal?

You first write the integer part, then write the decimal point and then the fractional part in decimal form.

How do you get the absolute value of positive integer?

The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.

What is an integer constant in c plus plus?

A constant integer is an integer that is not expected to change value while it is in scope. Declaring any variable constant doesn't guarantee it won't change, but it does make it more difficult for a programmer to change the value by accident. Constant integers must be initialised at the point of instantiation. We can initialise a constant with the value of a literal constant, the value of another constant, or the value of a variable: void f (int v) { const int x {42}; // Integer constant (initialised from literal constant) const int y {x}; // Integer constant (initialised from another constant) const int z {v}; // Integer constant (initialised from a variable) // ... v *= 2; // ok -- v is variable x *= 2; // error: x is constant }

What is a absolute value of a negative integer?

The absolute value of an integer is the integer with a positive sign.

What is the absolute value of an integer of its numerical value of its numerical value?

The absolute value of an integer is the integer with no sign. The absolute value of +3 and -3 is 3.

What do integers and absolute value have to do with each other?

The absolute value of an integer is the value of the integer without regard to its sign. The absolute value need not be an integer.

Write an integer whose absolute value is greater than itself?

Negative numbers are integers as well. The absolute value of any negative integer will be positive and therefore larger than itself.

Give the absolute value of the integer Then write its opposite of the number -11?

I'm pretty sure the answer is negative 11

When does a positive integer and a negative integer equal a positive integer?

When they are added together and the absolute value of the positive integer is bigger than the absolute value of the negative integer or when the negative integer is subtracted from the positive integer.