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while [[ $input = "yes" ]]


echo "------------"

echo "Calculator"

echo "------------"

PS3="Press 1 for Addition, 2 for subtraction, 3 for multiplication and 4 for division: "

select math in Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division


case "$math" in


echo "Enter first no:"

read num1

echo "Enter second no:"

read num2

result=<code>expr $num1 + $num2</code>

echo Answer: $result




echo "Enter first no:"

read num1

echo "Enter second no:"

read num2

result=<code>expr $num1 - $num2</code>

echo Answer: $result




echo "Enter first no:"

read num1

echo "Enter second no:"

read num2

result=<code>expr $num1 \* $num2</code>

echo Answer: $result




echo "Enter first no:"

read num1

echo "Enter second no:"

read num2

result=$(expr "scale=2; $num1/$num2" | bc)

echo Answer = $result




echo Choose 1 to 4 only!!!!





echo "Do you want to calculate again(yes/no):"

read input

echo "Thank you for using this program"


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12y ago
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11y ago
  1. Echo "Enter first number:"
  2. Read n1
  3. Echo "Enter Second number:"
  4. Read n2
  5. Echo "Enter operation to be carried out that is +, - , / or X"
  6. Read opr
  7. If [ opr=="+" ]
  8. Then
  9. echo $(( $a + $b ))
  10. elif [ opr=="-"]
  11. then
  12. echo $(( $a - $b ))
  13. elif [ opr=="/" ]
  14. then
  15. echo $(( $a / $b ))
  16. elif [ opr=="X" ]
  17. then
  18. echo $(( $a * $b ))
  19. fi
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Q: Write a shell script to simulate a simple calculator program to perform addition substraction multiplication and division?
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