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The same as would happen if a girl or woman of ANY age gets pregnant- all should go fine under normal circumstances, there are just two things to bear in mind: 1) In the later stages of pregnancy, she might get a much fatter tummy than a fully-grown woman would do, because she will herself not be a full-size adult yet and will still be growing (BUT will still be carrying a normal-sized baby). 2) Because of this, she might need to have the baby delivered by Caesarian rather than have it naturally, if her hips and pelvis are too small to allow the baby out. This latter point is a very important consideration, and advice should be sought about it from her local health centre. Other than these points, any complications that arise during her pregnancy would not be a result of her extreme youth, but problems that could happen to a woman of ANY age. However, she should be very careful about her diet, given youngsters prediliction for junk food and sweets.

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