

Wy do people dress up for halloween?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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to have fun.

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Q: Wy do people dress up for halloween?
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Why do people dress-up as spooky ghosts witches on Halloween?

People think Halloween is all about spooky things,so they dress scary and look scary.

Why do we dress up on Halloween?

People dress up because on Halloween actual zombies come out and looking for flesh so people try to blend in (dressing up) That's why!

What is supposed to happen at Halloween?

On Halloween children dress up in costumes and go door to door to receive candy. A lot of grown people have parties and dress up as well.

What does ET dress up as for Halloween?

On Halloween, Michael and Elliott dress E.T. as a ghost so they can sneak it out of the house.

What do people do on the day of Halloween?

People trick or treat and dress up and go to peoples houses and get candy! : )

Do people dress up for Purim?

Yes, traditionally people dress up as the characters of the story in the Torah (Hamen, Esther, etc) but it has become almost the Jewish equivalent of Halloween.

Why do people dress like a devil on Halloween?

People like to dress who they are not for Halloween. Alot of boys dress like girls for Halloween, it's fun for people to act like who they aren't for a night. Almost no one wants to meet the devil or go to Hell, but like I said, you can dress up like who you aren't. The Devil costume is really easy to do too, a red dress, and red shoes. But everyone does a Halloween costume for what they want it for, so everyone has their different reasons.

Why do they were costumes at Halloween?

People used to dress up as Saints on Halloween. However, somewhere along the line they started to wear different costumes.

Can you dress up as a US Marshal for Halloween?

Yes, you can dress up as anyone or anything.

What is the meaningfulness of Halloween?

Halloween is a holiday that, every year people used to dress up to scare evil spirits away. Now, it is not used for evil, but for fun when kids dress up and go door-to-door to other people's houses to collect candy.

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Why do you dress up as a mummy for Halloween?

because its could be a Halloween outfit of coarse!