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Q: Yearly temperature ranges are much larger where continentality prevails?
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All scientists yearly salaries are different from one another. Scientists who have made big discoveries have larger salaries than those who have not.

What temperature is always larger kelvin or celsius?

The Kelvin scale is always larger than the Celsius scale because they are related by the equation K = C + 273.15. This means that 0 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 273.15 Kelvin.

What is the yearly average temperature in wetlands?

The yearly average temperature in wetlands can vary depending on the location and climate. Generally, wetlands tend to have cooler temperatures due to the presence of water, which can help moderate temperature extremes. Temperatures in wetlands typically range from around 0°C to 30°C annually, with some variation based on latitude and elevation.

What determines the climate for a given area?

The two most important factors in the climate of an area are temperature and precipitation. The yearly average temperature of the area is obviously important, but the yearly range in temperature is also important. Some areas have a much larger range between highest and lowest temperature than other areas.

Which temperature is always larger -an objects Celsius temperatureor its kelvin temperature?


Which temperature is always larger an objects's Celsius temperature or its kelvin temperature?

Kelvin. Kelvin (K) = oC + 273.15

Is celsius temperature larger then kelvin temperature?

No the Kelvin temperature is higher. The conversion for Kelvin to Celsius is K=c+273.15.

Which temperature is always larger-an objects celsius temperature or its kelvin temperature?

Kelvin is always higher - by some 273 degrees.

Which is a larger change in temperature a change of Celsius degree or 1 Fahrenheit degree?

A change of 1 Fahrenheit degree is equivalent to a change of 0.55 Celsius degrees. Therefore, a change of 1 Celsius degree is larger than a change of 1 Fahrenheit degree in terms of temperature difference.

Why is the temperature needed to freeze ocean water lower than the temperature needed to freeze the surface of a fresh lake?

The ocean is larger than a lake. Therefore, being larger it can absorb more heat. That is why a lower temperature is needed to freeze it.

Can a body of larger mass be hotter than another body of smaller mass if they are at the same temperature?

No. "Temperature" means "how hot it is". (The larger mass could have more or less heat energy in it, though. Even if they're both at the same temperature.)

Why is the temperature needed to freeze ocean water lower than the temperature to freeze the surface of a fresh water lake?

The ocean is larger than a lake. Therefore, being larger it can absorb more heat. That is why a lower temperature is needed to freeze it.