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Yes, 26 is about the right time. Age usually doesn't affect pregnancy.

You can also wait. 2 years wont change much. When age matter it's usually passed 40.

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Q: You are 26 year old should you have baby Now or you Can wait for 2 more years Can age have the effect on Pregnancy?
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What is the Legal age to have a baby in Georgia US?

There are no 'laws' regarding pregnancy. There are laws regarding how one is allowed to end a pregnancy, but none on pregnancy.

What is the name of the movie about a black who hid her pregnancy from her mom and gave birth to her baby then had her boyfriend to put the baby in the dumpster?

Losing Isaiah

How old is Hinamori?

About 100 years it is shown in the manga, they showed her as a baby when it was 100 years ago time (turn back the pendulum), so Hitsugaya, child prodigy, should be about 90 years.!

How soon after conceiving can you find out if you're pregnant?

There is no use of finding soon that you are pregnant. If you want pregnancy, you will take nine months to get the baby. If you do not want the baby, it is better to terminate the pregnancy after 15 days of missed periods. There are rather expensive tests, which will tell you about the pregnancy as soon as the pregnancy gets implanted. That is one week before your expected periods or 8 days after conception.

What happens if you dont' see a doctor when pregnant?

If you don't see a doctor during pregnancy then you are putting your health and the baby's health at risk. If there is something wrong with the baby, they can catch it early and possible treat the problem. You need to go to the doctor to educate yourself on what you should and should not be doing during the pregnancy as well as what to expect. They also are the people who will prescribe your prenatal vitamins. It is absolutely necessary to have regular visits with your doctor. If money is an issue then look into Medicaid and other financial aid. Good Luck.

Related questions

How does pregnancy effect you in sports?

it does not effect you in any way. the fat will stay there until you have a baby.

Do drugs affect pregnancy?

Yes, because the effect can ruin the babies health, or the effect can kill your baby.

When women drink or smoke during pregnancy does it cause the baby to have genetic disorders?

Drinking or smoking during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects or developmental issues, but it does not directly cause genetic disorders in the baby. Genetic disorders are typically caused by changes or mutations in the baby's DNA that are inherited from the parents or happen spontaneously.

How does vitamins effect pregnancy?

They give you extra nutrients, because you are having to share with your baby.

How can back problems effect pregnancy?

It wont affect the baby but it will affect you with more pain.

What are the effects in pregnancy of the hydrocortisone rectal cream?

You should not use this cream before you ask your doctor. It could effect the baby when you're pregnant. Every medicine you take should be approved by a doctor.

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yes because radiation make have an effect on the baby....

What are the effects of having flu while pregnant?

it will do kno harm to the baby, but you should ask a doctor. It depends on how bad the flu is.

What could effect the features of the baby?

Trauma (If you drop the baby on its head)Drugs before or during pregnancy, or while breast feedingDNA of the parentsSpontaneous mutations

Can cocaine effect a pregnancy test?

Cocaine use should not affect the results of a pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in urine or blood, which is only produced during pregnancy. Cocaine use will not interfere with this process.

Does drugs effect your child if you are taking them and pregnant?

Yes drug use during pregnancy will effect your baby. Depending what you are taking and the amount anything from birth defects to giving birth to a baby born addicted!

If you are pregnant and do not know you are and are still taking birth control will this have any effects on the pregnancy?

No. The pill has no effect on a developing baby.