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Not necessarily a miscarriage it means the baby is moving around tomuch

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Q: You are 5wks pregnant and you are 16 and you have lower abdominal pains and cramps from time to time and your lower back hurts from time to time does this mean you are going to have a miscarraige?
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Which is the earliest stage of miscarraige?

The earliest sign of a miscarraige is painful cramping and bleeding. Some cramps are normal, as well as pink or brown bleeding. The cramping that is normal will feel like mild period cramps. Any type of painful cramping as opposed to minor discomfort I would recommend going to the hospital.

How will you know when your period is going to start?

usually cramps abdominal pain back pain headaches sore breasts

Does having cramps means your pregnant?

No. It most likely means that you are going to get your period sometime in the next few days.

I am 7 weeks pregnant and i have these cramps in my lower abdomen that feel like period or gas cramps is this normalthis is my second pregnancy and i don't remember feeling this before?

Sorry, i can't answer your question but i am 7 weeks pregnant tomorrow and i am experiencing the same thing. Feels like period cramps but not as bad and wind cramps when you have upset stomach. I keep worrying that i am going to see blood but from searching online about it seems it is quite normal!

Cramps bt no periods and taking pills m i pregnant?

When you start having cramp like symptoms but earlier then when your cycle is going to start this is usually an early symtom sign of being pregnant.

If you are taking birth control how will you know if your are pregnant?

Ok you need to take a test. Do you have cramps like your cycle is going to come and you know its not and having moodswings

If you get cramps for weeks after your period is that normal?

I'm not entirely sure where you're going with this question, but if you've had a normal period with normal flow since your last intercourse you are not pregnant.

Ive been having stomach cramps back aches heart burn and headaches is this a pregnancy sign?

i had bad stomach cramps and headaches in early pregnancy, i was convinced i was going to start my period.. but i didnt i now 5 months pregnant and i still get bad heads and some period like cramps.. Hope this helps

How strong can early pregnancy cramps be?

Im 7 weeks pregnant and my cramps were so bad and severe that I was certain I was going to have a miscarriage I went to the emergency room and things were fine. Cramping can be light to severe but you should check with your doctor if ever in doubt that's what they are there for :) Best of luck

Cervix soft and low at 5 weeks pregnant is this a miscarraige?

Not necessarily. If you are worried go to the doctor. Your cervix gets soft to prepare for the baby. If you are carrying unusually low go to the doctor and have a physical. That's were should be instead of this website. Only your docotor can really tell you what's going on.

What would cause Sharp abdominal pain in teenage girl?

If you are going through your menstrual cycle, this might be cramps. If the pain is constant and severe and you are not menstruating then you need to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Can you be pregnant if you had a period that lasted 4 days and now two weeks later i have cramps and also going to the toilet a lot and a pink discharge 3 days after my period?

Yes, if you feel that you could be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your Dr.