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if you take a vitamin called b100. i would say about 2 weeks. other than that it should take a month to get out.

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Q: You are a daily marijuana user with a mouth swab test how long should you go without smoking too pass?
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What can a man do to raise his sperm count if he smokes marijuana on a daily basis?

Smoking weed has no bearing on how "strong" a mans sperm is.

I have smoked bit of marijuana and i did find out that im pregnant 6 weeks what can happend?

A "bit" of marijuana will do no harm to the fetus, however habitual/daily smoking of marijuana (Or tobacco) will have adverse effects on the unborn baby.

Does pot smoking cause loss of vocal range?

the intake of marijuana, as long as it is not daily, has no risks(if you dont have a condition that says otherwise)

What Effect does smoking marijuana have on healing after liposuction?

Smoking of any kind inhibits the bodies natural abilities to heal itself. The body is a constant fight with the toxins being taken in on a daily bases. Smoking also is a source of premature aging.

What eventually happens to you when you take 20 mg lexapro and smoke marijuana daily and is it going to hurt me in the long run or is it ok?

Couldn't help but laugh when I read this question, I'm sorry. Smoking marijuana daily is not good for you anyway. I'm by far no doctor or have no medical experience of any kind so anything I say is only my personal opinion. Therefore, I thought everyone new pot "fried" your brain. I have to ask you, why do both? When I first started lexapro my doctor told me it was going to have the same effect on me as if smoking pot. I have stopped taking Lexapro now should I start smoking marijuana to see if it helps? All I'm saying is you should do or take one or the other. Otherwise, you will never know if you are truly happy and that people are laughing with you not at you.

What does smoking pot daily do to your body?

It's about as bad for your lungs as tobacco smoke is, and chronic marijuana smokers also usually have short-term memory problems (although this usually clears up once the person quits smoking).

Can smoking marijuana daily lead to ADD when it comes to studying?

im doubt it would cause an official diagnoses of ADD, however marijuana activly effects the memory and concentration skills amongst other key skills used when studying.

What should a daily medicinal marijuana smoker do to clean out or keep their lungs as healthy as possible?

Don't smoke it. Ingest it.

Why does one chose to smoke marijuana daily?

Unless you WANT to die there are NO advantages of smoking anything == Advantages are few and far between. For young people, I think frequent use of marijuana interferes with decision-making and discipline to do the things that must be done to progress in life. (that is sort of like me on the computer--I don't get a lot else done when I spend too much time on wiki) There are opinions by some that using marijuana gives you insight into life matters, but truly you can get there unmedicated.<br>In addition, marijuana is no better for your lungs than is smoking.<br>

Do you have to worry about testing positive if you only take a hit or two daily of marijuana and or opium?

Uh...yes. You should worry.

Can marijuana help with heart disease?

Sometimes, it will most deffenetly help with your pains but sometimes it can make the heart disease worse. Ask a doctor about it. If you smoke marijuana on a daily basis, it makes the heart disease worse and your chance of a heart attack is increased because it raises your blood pressure. I just lost a friend of mine, who was forty five years old. After smoking marijuana he went into cardiac arrest. He had smoked marijuana on a daily basis for twenty years. Any kind of smoke is not good for your heart.

How long do you have to stop smoking marijuana to pass a life insurance test?

Depends on your smoking habit, and your physical well being. If you smoke once in a while and are in good shape, 30 days abstain should be fine, if you toke daily, overweight abstain longer. Home tests kits are a good way to go. Life insurance is important, and being denied for pot isnt fair.