

Best Answer

Yes there are its called connections academy, its for all grade levels and really fun! check it out!

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Q: You are looking into homeschooling for your kids Ae there any good programs in AZ for this?
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Related questions

How much does homeschooling pay?

Homeschooling is not a paying job. Parents who don't like public education and aren't satisfied with the local private schools have the option of homeschooling their kids in some states. If you're talking about teaching other people's kids in their homes, then you are talking about tutoring, not homeschooling.

What percent of kids are homeschooling?

In America estimated 1,273,089.(not all states require you to register homeschooling students)I am one of them.

What percent of homeschooling kids get sick?

42% is the average

Is homeschooling bad for kids?

Home schooling can be good and bad for children. Some children benefit with not being around and socializing with large group of kids and others have a negative affect.

Where can one find course materials for Christian homeschooling?

One may find course material for Christian homeschooling from the website "Kids of Integrity". Another good source is the site "Sonlight" which offers curriculum for preschool to high school.

What do you mean by homeschooling parents?

parents that teach their own kids at home

What are some good keyboard typing programs for kids?

There are some excellent resources for kids learning keyboard typing. Some include programs such as: Software 2013, Keyboard Typing for Kids or free programs at Free Typing Games dot net.

How do you start Homeschooling?

Depending where you are you'll probably need to notify your local school that you're homeschooling your kid(s) and that they will no longer be attending. After that you can do whatever you or your kids want. Learning is easy, as long as school isn't stifling kids' natural desire to learn.

What are some advantages of homeschooling your kids?

Some advantages of homeschooling are, the child would be able to have hands on learning, one-on-one. Some disadvantages are the children may not have a very good social life, children need to be able to play with friends. I think it depends on the best interest for the child.

What are some good programs for young kids to travel to a different country in groups?


Where can a homeschooling mom find worksheets for her kids? is a great place for home-schoolers to find worksheets for their kids and students. Just go there, find the worksheets on the subjects you need, and print! Viola! Good luck and happy home-schooling!

I need info from other parents on how to start homeschooling. What would be a good start or choice.?

Try the and HSDLR website. Both were very helpful to me. is a website that promotes connections between homeschooling parents, with a focus that is activity-oriented to encourage social networks for homeschool parents and kids who are homeschooled.