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Q: You are planning to climb to the top of either Barrel Hill or Rocky Point. both features are 900 feet tall at the summit. If you only consider the steepness of the climb which feature would be more di?
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Features and objectives of responsibility accounting?

The feature and objective of responsible accounting is to improve the financial planning of individuals and businesses. Planning by accountants is based on reports conducted.

What features did old fashioned phones have?

Old phones really didn't have any special features, unless you consider snake a special feature

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Some of the best features to consider for Credit Card Processing Services include Virtual Terminal and Online Payment Gateways. Another important feature is a Merchant Account.

What features should I consider when buying a microwave oven?

You will want to consider the size of the area you have on your counter top to place the microwave on or the area where you will be inserting it below a cabinet or above a range. You also want to consider the power level and what controls are on the microwave. Another feature to consider would be if it has a rotating feature inside which some people prefer for more even cooking. You might also consider the possibility of the added feature of it being a convection oven as well as a microwave.

Are rivers physical features?

It is a natural feature

Is the steepness of roof pitch required in an inspection report?

I don't believe so. Pitch is an architectural feature. It's not considered a potential hazard.

What part of speech is features?

Feature is a noun (a feature) and a verb (to feature).

What is the plural of feature?


What do the best ellipticals feature?

According to some research that I have done I have found a variety of features that you should look for and consider when purchasing an elliptical. Some of these features are resistance, user weight capacity, incline and stride length. The importance of these features varies from person to person.

Is features singular or plural?

singular = feature plural = features

What is the definition of a geographical feature?

Geographical features are the components of the Earth. There are two types of geographical features, namely natural geographical features and artificial political features. Wikipedia

What is a distinguishing feature of a command system?

central planning