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You will file and complete your income tax return correctly claiming ever thing that you qualify to claim.

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Q: You are self employed an on arrears can you claim childtax credit?
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If i am in arrears can you claim children on you income taxes in the state of Louisiana?

No you are not supposed to claim if you are in arrears.

What forms do you need to file a lien for child support arrears against the father's inheritance in California?

You should contact (visit) the court where the probate is filed immediately and file a claim along with some proof of the arrears. Your best chance is to file a claim in the estate before the inheritance is paid out.You should contact (visit) the court where the probate is filed immediately and file a claim along with some proof of the arrears. Your best chance is to file a claim in the estate before the inheritance is paid out.You should contact (visit) the court where the probate is filed immediately and file a claim along with some proof of the arrears. Your best chance is to file a claim in the estate before the inheritance is paid out.You should contact (visit) the court where the probate is filed immediately and file a claim along with some proof of the arrears. Your best chance is to file a claim in the estate before the inheritance is paid out.

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Can you claim a dependent if you file as self-employed?

Yes, you can claim a qualifying dependent.

Can you claim arrears for child support taken from parent if you are 21 or older?

Support is owed to the parent (or the State), not the child.

Im self employed and want to claim for discrimination against you being pregnant?

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What happen when child support recipient dies and it is arrears?

They can put a claim against the estate.

Can the custodial parent claim both children and the earned income credit on their tax return if the non-custodial parent is behind on child support but usually you each claim one child?

The custodial Parent has the right to claim both children, but in your case if the NC parent is behind they will automatically take it from their tax refund anyway. But as with any agreement if it states the NC gets to claim one then you can only claim one. If there is not an agreement in that way, then the custodial has the right. The arrears owed to the C has no affect on the claiming rights of another.

How do i apply for earned income credit if I am self employed?

Self-employment income is earned income. If you meet all the requirements of the requirements for the earned income credit, you would claim it on your tax return. For more information, go to website and type this in the search box: "Do I qualify for earned income credit." This will give you information about all the qualifications.

Can an adult sue a dead beat dad's estate for back child support?

No but that adult child's parent can file a claim for child support arrears that have been determined by the court. The arrears are due to the parent. You should consult with an attorney or an advocate at the family court as soon as possible if there is a substantial amount owed. Claims against an estate must be filed promptly.

Will inaccurate self employed tax return effect my auto injury claim?

Inaccurate self employed tax return and auto injury claim should not have any affect on each other for income tax return purposes.

Does CA have a statute of limitations on child support arrearages?

On recovery of arrears owed, federal law requires no limits, but you must keep the claim current.