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Q: You bailed someone out of jail and now they are coming after you for the bond If they were to put it on your credit report how long will that damage your credit?
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Related questions

When should you check your credit report?

You should check your credit report once a year or if you think someone has stolen your identity. If you constantly check your credit it can actually damage it. Experian is a great place to check your credit.

Can you make someone legally responsible for damage they intentionally did to a hotel room that was charged on your credit card?

How did the damage come to be charged against YOUR credit card? Other than sue them (perhaps in Small Claims Court), no, there does not seem to be an alternative.

Does a divorce hurt your credit?

The act of divorce does not damage your credit.

Would closing a credit card damage my credit score?

Yes closing a credit card can damage your credit score. But as long as everything else is good it should not affect you credit rating to much. Look for tips to keep a good credit card rating.

Should you pay a bill not on your credit report?

Yes. If you have a bill it means either you owe someone money cause they gave it to you first or you owe someone payment for a service...either way, if you owe someone money then its only right to pay it. If you do not, they could send it to collections and then not only will it show on your credit report but it will damage it too.

What is indentity theft?

Identity theft is when someone steals another person's personal information, such as their name, Social Security number, or credit card details, and uses it to commit fraud or other crimes. This often results in financial loss and damage to the victim's credit history.

Does a wage garnishment damage your credit rating?


Can leaving your credit card on TOP of the microwave damage it?


What happens if i default into pay my credit card bill?

This could damage your credit score. It will be harder for you to get credit cards or loans in the future.

What is the purpose of Experian credit monitoring?

The purpose of Experian credit monitoring is to allow one to monitor their credit reports to minimize the damage that one could do to their credit levels and activity.

How does defaulting on a car loan affect your future credit?

Any default on any loan will damage your credit in the future.

What does harm mean?

It means to have hurt someone.