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No you are not pregnant. I have had that to happen to me to. An I was not pregnant.

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Q: You bleed brown blood for one day before period was due and the next day you didnt bleed at all and your period isn't due until 3 days - is this implantation bleeding Are you pregnant?
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Having bleeding 4 days before expected period implantation bleeding?

you might be pregnant

What could cause spotting 11 days before your period is due?

Implantation bleeding = you are pregnant!

Implantation bleeding a month after missed period?

No. If you are pregnant and having bleeding you should see your doctor. Implantation bleeding only occurs during implantation not a month after.

Can you have your period if you are one to two weeks pregnant?

No but you can have implantation bleeding

What if your period was a weekearly and lighter than nomal and have cramping can you be pregnant?

Yes! It may be implantation bleeding rather than a period. Implantation bleeding is often mistaken for a period.

Is it possible to still be pregnant if you had After implantation bleeding is it possible to still be pregnant after having implanation bleeding then 2 weeks later you get a period?

Well last year of 2/24/07 I found out I was pregnant and I had a period before .

How long after implantation bleeding can you tell if you are pregnant?

sometimes you can tell but you can be on your period and still be pregnant

Is it possible to get period after implantation bleeding and still be pregnant?

I'm not sure I'm in the same situation I had Implantation bleeding 11 days after my period then 2 weeks after I got my period so I'm not so sure. I wonder If people who have periods while pregnant get Implantation bleeding right at the beginning Pink Princess

Can implantation bleeding occur 2 days before your period?

Implantation bleeding typically occurs 6-12 days after ovulation, around the time of your missed period. Bleeding 2 days before your period is more likely to be early menstrual bleeding or spotting. If you suspect you may be pregnant, it's best to take a home pregnancy test or consult with a healthcare provider.

Can i be pregnant if my period started two weeks early?

Could be implantation bleeding. If it is your actual period then it's unlikely that you are pregnant.

Is it possible to have implantation bleeding before a regular period?

Yes, it is possible to experience implantation bleeding before a regular period. Implantation bleeding can occur about 6-12 days after conception, typically around the time of your expected period. This bleeding is usually light and may be mistaken for a menstrual period.

You missed your period in April now you been having implantation bleeding and today makes the 4th day?

The only implantation bleeding you should experience should be a couple of days before your period is due - not a month after you miss your period. Are you sure you are pregnant? It could be the beginning of a miscarriage. Implantation bleeding doesn't last 4 days hun. Its rare when it lasts this long. AND if you missed your period in April you definitely will not be having implantation bleeding now. You may be experiencing a late period which is lighter than normal for you. But I would have a blood test to see if you are pregnant or whether its a hormonal problem causing the missed period.