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Q: You can find this place underground?
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The best place to find fossils is underground. You can find them when you hunt for sheres.

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It's in that underground place in Goldenrod.

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Underground in your house is the fastest place to keep a lock box. Anyone who is trying to find it will most likely never find it.

How do you find commander mars to get master balls an go battle Pakia?

well u find him in a seceret place underground

On Pokemon platenem What is the best place underground to get a fossil of a airadactely?

i always find them in rout 204

Where do you find the waterstone underground?

There is no specific place to find a water stone, or any other item for thatmatter.Just Keep looking.Good luck

Is an underground area the safest place to be when a tornado comes?

Yes. The best place to be is underground.

Where do you find director in Pokemon Gold?

He is in the basement of the underground place. Beat two robbers in the switch room.

Where is the most common place to find a fossil?

All areas underground HAVE AN EVEN CHANce of getting a fossil.

Where is one place to find metamorphic rocks that are formed quickly?

deep underground at the base of mountains. Hope this was helpful.