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The atomic number = Number of protons = Number of electrons

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Q: You can tell how many protons an atom of a certain element has by that element's?
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Related questions

Is a atom an element?

An atom is an element. Every atom has a certain amount of protons, neutrons and electrons and these are what define which element that atom is.

Elements with 6 protons?

The element with 6 protons is carbon (C).

The number of protons in an atom of an element is the elements?

the number of protons in one element determines the atom's

Is an elements reactivity is determined by the number of protons found in an atom of the element?


Is an elements reactivity determined by the number of protons found in an atom of the element?


What is in element?

An element is a type of atom; on the periodic table of the elements, they are organized by atomic number (which is the number of protons in the nucleus of this atom).

What is an element in the periodic table of elements?

It is an atom / substance with a fixed number of protons (the Z number), that represents a certain set of chemical behaviors.

Are there any materials which aren't made up of elements?

No, all materials are made up of elements. Elements are substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.

How are elements identified in terms of their of their atoms?

Each atom of one specific element has the same number of protons. For example, Helium has 1 proton in every atom's nucleus. To find how many protons are in an elements atoms nucleus, look at the elements atomic number on the Periodic Table.

What is the significance of the atomic number of an element?

All elements have protons and electrons. All but hydrogen have neutrons. All elements have isotopes which vary in neutrons but have the same amount of protons as the original element. Different elements never have the same amount of protons so scientists gave these elements their "atomic number" based on the amount of protons the element has. atomic number = amount of protons.

Are atoms made out of elements?

An atom consists of protons, neutrons and electrons. The number of protons that it contains, is the same as its atomic number, with states which element it is. For example an atom with 6 protons would be an atom of the 6th element which would mean that it was an atom of Carbon.

What does an element's atomic number tell us?

The atomic number is the number of protons that the element has.