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I do not ' believe ' in evolution, but I am convinced by the evidence.

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Q: You do not want to change though you believe in evolution?
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Who is the inventor of science?

I dont believe anyone "invented" science, though science is just research and the curiosity of human nature that leads us to want to know more.

What do evolutionists and creationists both agree on?

Not much. While they both accept that life is here, they are two totally different ideas on how we got here. Evolution says that all life forms gradually developed from a common ancestor over millions of years. Creation says that everything was spontaneously created as they are by the God of the Bible within six days only a few thousand years ago.

Do scientists believe dissociative identity disorder is real?

you might want to check on

Does science and religion contradict each other?

Most of the time, people are either more trusting to religion or science depending on their upbringing, values, and beliefs as a person. This causes a schism in the world of science, especially when studying evolution or how the world was made. There are certain places in in the studies of these topics where there is an overlap: Many religious people believe in an all-powerful being which created the world and everything on it. However, scientists use the Big Bang theory and the theories of evolution to explain the exact same concept. So, to be blunt, the answer is yes. There are certain places where science and religion do contradict. That is why most people believe in science: they want evidence to be able to back up their theories. People who trust religion have less evidence to prove their beliefs.

What do anti-evolutionists creationists and intelligent design advocates really know of evolution?

From there pamphlets and " text " books it would seem very little is known by these people. The basics, such as evolution is a fact and the theory of evolution by natural selection explains much of this fact, seems to elude many of them. Look to the intelligent design people. Not one scintilla of positive evidence can they cite, yet they want their nonsense, not scientifically validated, to be taught in science class. A cheat and a end run around the scientific process.

Related questions

Can one believe that God intended evolution and thus believe in both?

You can believe in whatever you want to believe, anything that you think is true. There are no limits on belief and you're free to think of anything you want to think. The belief that God created the process of evolution is actually a slightly popular concept and accepted by many Christians.

Can religion and evolution be linked?

If you want to, but there is no evidence linking any religion and evolution. Remember, evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms and is a natural process.

How fast can a Mitsubishi evolution 7 go?

take the govornor off and it will go as fast as you want 140 with it on though

What persuaded means?

It means to change somebody's mind from what they believe now, to what you want them to believe. So if you can talk somebody into going to the movies even though they didn't initially want to, you would have persuaded them to go. cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument

Can one person make a difference or change the world?

Only if you want to and believe that you can.

How do you change your user name on howrse?

Sad to say but you cannot change your username. You can change your password though! If you really want to change your username you would have to make a new account. I am sorry of those who want to change usernames :(..............................

How do you hack steps evolution game?

yup i want hack steps evolution

If you believe in God do you still need the bible?

No, nobody needs the bible. Some people do want it though.

Because you are an atheist do you have to believe in evolution?

If you don't believe that a supernatural force brought into existence all life into its present form, evolution is pretty much your only option to explain the diversity of life. Luckily there s sufficient evidence for evolution that it can easily be accepted as a fact (like gravitation) and np "belief" (in the religious sense) is required.Ansswer:In that atheists do not have any common "beliefs" except that there are no gods, they are free to believe in anything they want. As the usual opposite for evolution is creationism, and that belief requires a god, atheists would no believe in it. However alternate theories (panspermia, we're all figures in computerr game like in The Matrix, the rest of you are just figments on my imagination, etc.) the belief in evolution is not a 100% sure thing.

Why were the theories of evolution resisted strongly?

because most people did not want to believe that they used to be apes. also, that was a time when most people believed in creation, where there was no changes in genes.

A sentence using the word evolution?

I don't want to make a sentence with the word evolution

What does the circle want to believe about cole in the touching spirit bear?

that he can change to become a better person