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Alcohol must be metabolized by the liver prior to exiting the body. A healthy liver can process about one ounce, or roughly one drink, of alcohol per hour. Excess alcohol waiting to be metabolized remains in the bloodstream. A pint of 5% beer has 2.8 ounces of alcohol in it. Six beers of this concentration and size would take about 12 hours to metabolize. Persons who are heavy drinkers will require more time to clear their system than those who only have an occasional drink. There are factors that will affect metabolism. Weight, age, sex, stress levels, natural metabolic rate, recent meals, the type and strength of the alcohol consumed, and medication taken can all alter liver metabolism. Blood alcohol levels may also continue to rise even after alcoholic intake has ceased. To be sure of passing a urine screen, experts suggest abstaining at least 1-2 full days before the test.

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Q: You drank 6 three-point beers 10 hours ago will you pass a urine test?
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