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Q: You fancy a boy and he found out that you like him what should you do?
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How can I get a boy to fancy me?

You can not get a boy to fancy you. If he doesn't like you, nothing you do can change that.

What should you do if the boy you fancy hates you?

You should fancy him from far away. If he knows you fancy him, try to move on but if he doesn't, don't let him know.

How do you get a teenage boy to fancy you?

Be yourself! They are only worth it if they fancy you when you are acting like yourself

When should you let the boy you fancy know that you fancy him?

You schoul let him know ASAP otherwise he will be in the dark. i know. i am a boy. teen, actually.

What are some truth questions i can ask a boy to see who he fancy's?

Dont use the word fancy's and who "who do you like?"

What do you do if the boy you fancy asked a friend who you fancy and then by the time she tells you he's moved in how do i get him to like me again?

snog his face off

Does flirting with another boy make the boy you like fancy you?

If you are not steady dating the boy you like then yes, perhaps flirting with another boy will make the other one jealous.

Why would a girl ask you who do you like?

Well I'm a girl...if you were a boy and I was asking you this question it will probably because I fancy you and I wanna see who you like so you should answer with something romantic.

You fancy this boy and he fancys you aswell but he has cheated on some other girls in the past should i ask him out?

i don't think you should because, you never know if he will cheat on you... i don't like seeing people sad over some relationship with a boy.

How can you make a 10 year old boy fancy a 10 year old boy?

You cant 'make' someone like another person. It all depends on how they feel, nobody can and should force you to do anything.

If a boy keeps staring at you should you tell him not to or leave it and you dont like it?

You see if he's staring at you and you don't like it, ask one of your best friends to ask him if fancy's you and if he says yes and you don't fancy him get your best friend to either put him off you or to tell him to stop staring at you.

What unique ideas for an animal themed fancy dress party are there?

if it is a girl it should be a aqua dress and if it is a boy it should be a tux.