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well ya that means you have a stomach!but it doesnt necessary mean you are could be cramps ect.

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Q: You feel butterflies in your stomach you frequently feel like you want to throw up and you also feel tired your head hurts a lot and you dont know if its because you might be or what else could this b?
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Why is your stomach fluttering?

Yes, technically you could be, but it would be wise to seek the opinion of a doctor or take-home pregnancy test.

What does 'Butterflies in the Stomach' mean?

Having "butterflies in your stomach" means to be overwhelmed by a nervous feeling. It comes from the uneasy feeling one gets in their stomach.It means you're nervous about something. Like you could be nervous about going on stage and doing a dance performance so you'd have butterflies in your stomach. It refers to the queasy or jittery feeling created in your stomach when you are under stress.

Why do i have sudden hot flashes and butterfly stomachs?

Sudden hot flashes and the feeling of butterflies in your stomach may be because you are nervous. You could also be sick, so you may need to see a doctor.

Why do you get that feeling of 'butterflies' in your stomach?

The sensation of "butterflies" in your stomach is caused by a rush of adrenaline and blood flow to your stomach when you're nervous or excited. This can lead to a mix of positive and negative emotions that manifest physically in your stomach as a fluttering sensation.

What is it like to have your first kiss?

TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!You get butterflies in your stomach and it feels like you fly! it is a wounderful feeling could when it is with a person that you deeply care about totally amazing

What does it mean when there are lots of butterflies around?

your very nervous and your stomach feels... not- like its supposed to.

Why is your lower stomach tingling?

It depends on what type of tingling your referring to. It could be something you ate, some natural physiological process, or maybe from just being nervous or excited about something (some refer to it as getting butterflies).

Is butterflies or fluttering in the stomach an early symptom of pregnancy?

Before I found out I was pregnant I had a really weird sensation in my stomach... the only way I could describe it was 'butterflies', however it was almost like a combination between a feeling of being really happy and really nervous all at once. It would come and go and it just felt different. I knew if I were pregnant it would be waaaay to early to feel anything but this odd sensation made me suspect pregnancy. Sure enough, I am now 10 weeks so yes, definately, 'butterflies' in the stomach can be an early symptom of pregnancy!

How do you use the word stomach in a sentence?

His stomach was hurting because he had eaten so much food. I could not stomach another pointless confrontation with the directors.

Why is my stomach tender when presses on?

Maybe you might wanna go see a doctor about that, because it could be a problem with an organ in your stomach.

Can gastric be substituted for stomach?

The word gastric refers to the stomach organ. For example, you could say "stomach juices" rather than "gastric juices" because those occur in the stomach.

Why do you have to defecate so bad?

If someone has to defecate so bad, this could be because they are constipated. It may also be because they have a stomach virus, causing their stomach to not feel good.