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Tingling is a sign of nerve activity. Same thing with an itch , its all connected with the nerves. Your senses become enhanced so you might naturaly feel the some light nerve activity you weren't aware of before....

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Q: You get a tingling feeling only in your lower back when you smoke marijuana Is this because you put too much stress on your lower back and the marijuana is relaxing it?
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it makes you super happy and gives you a tingling feeling.

What kind of feeling does Marijuana produce?

The feeling that Marijuana produces is happy and sleepy. those are the only feelings i believe it produces.

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No it does not.It is verry common to smoke a joint and drink coffe.This custom started in India.The weed is relaxing while the coffe is a stimulent, so mixing them causes a middle-ground feeling.

How do you spell tingly?

That is the correct spelling of the adjective "tingly" (having a tingling feeling).

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You will not be so tense and sometimes you will feel a slight tingling feeling

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When u fart it might have that tinggle

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because, they wan tto look kool and also live in Alamo Answer: Kids sell drugs because they want to. Drugs are a form of relief for kids and yes it is fun. And no jerk... it's not about looking cool, it's about the money and the tingling you get when your high. Kids like that feeling, it's calming and at times relaxing. It just makes you feel nothing is important.

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Advantages and diadvantages of the electrotherapy?

The advantage is a nice tingling feeling. The disavantage is a burnt ass.

Why is marijuana considered a gateway drug?

Because after a long time of using marijuana, you can't get that feeling of "high" anymore so you move on to more serious drugs like heroine and cocaine.

What does tingling on your right arm mean?

Tingling in the arm is usually paresthesiae, that "pins and needles" feeling one gets when falling asleep on the arm for example. Tingling also can happen in the right arm when Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is present.