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no, getting sick or the felling to throw up comes from the stoomach. You uslually thow up when you have to much food in your stomach. Or when your sick, it's harder to diegest the food so it goes out your mouch than butt.

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Q: You get nauseas often and your ears keep blocking and getting water in them Could your ears be causing the nausea?
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Can you have nausea with nerves?

Defiantly. If something hurts your nerves or any part of you, it can make you nauseas.

You have been nauseas for two nights are you pregnant?

There are many causes of nausea. Nausea associated with pregnancy doesn't usually begin at the very early stage. Get a pregnancy test from the drug store. no you have been possessed by Satan

Is being nauseas and having cramps and enlarged breasts symptoms of a period?

The cramps and enlarged breasts are signs of period, but with nausea it is more a sign of pregnancy

What is the treatment for nausea and vomiting?

Getting a breath of fresh air or getting away from whatever is causing the nausea can solve the problem. Eating olives or crackers or sucking on a lemon can calm the stomach by absorbing acid and excess fluid. Coke syrup is another proven.

Could alcohol cause nausea?

Alcohol is a notorious culprit of causing nausea and vomiting. This is even more-so when alcohol is over-consumed.

What does queasy means?

1. Experiencing nausea; nauseated.2. Easily nauseated.3. Causing nausea; sickening: the queasy lurch of an airplane during a storm.4.a. Causing uneasiness.b. Uneasy; troubled. 5. a. Easily troubled. b. Ill at ease; squeamishSource: thefreedictionary

Can people get sick from codeine?

Yes, it may cause nausea. They can also overdose causing breathing complications or death.

What is the difference between nauseated and nauseous?

Nauseous means "causing nausea" while nauseated means "feeling or suffering from nausea" For example: "Raw eggs make me nauseous." "I became nauseated from eating/drinking raw eggs."

How can you alleviate nausea while taking Vicodin?

Answer#1If you are getting headache AND nausea from Percocet, the dose is likely too high. Reduce the dose.

What is the pathophysiology of nausea?

Nausea is nausea so, nausea.

What are some signs that im getting my period?

Cramps, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, lower back pain.

How soon can you tell you are pregnant without a pregnancy test?

As soon as you start getting your nausea feeling in the mornings.