

Best Answer

YES but they will probably heal themselves

Seminal vesicles are paired structures located behind the prostate gland. Sperm from the testicles (which account for only 1-2% of the semen) travel up a series of tubes on each side to join the seminal vesicles forming paired ejaculatory ducts. These structures empty into the urethra. At the time of ejaculation, fluid is discharged from the prostate gland and ejaculatory ducts into the urethra (urinary canal) forming the semen. Trauma can change this. In addition to this, with the onset of sexual excitement, specialized glands in the urethra called Cowper glands, produce a clear, somewhat sticky fluid to lubricate the urethra. this is called this pre-ejaculate (precum). Normal semen is somewhat viscous, opalescent and whitish gray in color. However, with certain factors including frequency of ejaculation, general health, diet, trauma and medications etc., the volume, consistency and color of the semen can and will vary. A yellow cast to the semen, is quite common and within normal. If you take multivitamins, this can be a cause. Thickened semen usually occurs if one ejaculates infrequently and is due to concentration of that portion formed in the seminal vesicles. Occasional clear semen, is not a specific sign of disease. A brown or red tint to the semen is a sign of bleeding, usually from the prostate gland but could be from the trauma. It is best to have this evaluated by a urologist.

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