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I think it's just your period just being a bit different this time

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Q: You had 3 days of light pink spotting and have now it has become heavier you have cramps and sore nippels negetive home pregnancy test could you still be pregnant never had this before?
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Is spotting heavier in morning normal when pregnant?

It may be .. but it also be a sign of a miscarriage

If you have spotting a day before your period is due you have never had spotting before could you be pregnant?

Spotting before you get a heavier flow is very normal...If you are normally like clockwork and you only have spotting and do not get a regular flo within the next 3-4 days then it is very possible that you are pregnant and that the spotting is implantation bleeding.

Is spotting and cramping a early sign of pregnancy if you haven't got your period yet?

Pregnant didn't know it . It could be your body wanting to have it's period but it can't because you pregnant or miscarrying

When your pregnant do you get spotting before your first missed period?

I would check with your doctor for sure but I think it is normal in my opinion. Mine are heavier since I had my kids. Just to protect a human fetus I would get a pregnancy test to find out if you are pregnant for sure unless you already know if you are.

I feel pregnant but seen spoting blood.can i be pregnant?

Yes. Spotting can indicate implantation of the fetus into the uterine wall (usually between 3-5 weeks pregnant). Spotting can also indicate the start of a miscarriage. BUT many many pregnancies have had spotting (and even heavier bleeding) and still been successful.

Can you be pregnant you take pregnant test at home before your period 3 days but and the results was pregnant after 2 days you had your period?

A pregnancy test used before your period is late is not reliable. You should wait until two weeks after your missed cycle to get a reliable reading.If you had a positive result in a test taken at least two weeks after your missed cycle, this can be considered a positive pregnancy test. Spotting early in pregnancy is normal, bleeding heavier than spotting is not.If you are still questioning whether you are pregnant you should see a doctor or your clinic.

Is having heavier and longer?

No. Your pregnant if you don't have your period. If you're old enough to be pregnant, you should probably know that. No not pregnancy

Should you be worried if you had a normal period then you had light spotting afterwards but a few days later you and your boyfriend had sex and the spotting got heavier then settled after a few days?

You should take a pregnancy test to be safe.

Bright red spotting at 11 weeks of pregnancy?

Call your doctor immedeatley they should be able to fit you in or go to the hospital. I had bright red spotting aroun 11 weeks that became heavier and when I went to the doctors I was told I was miscarrying. Every woman is different obviously but when you are pregnant there is no need to leave anything to chance! Good Luck!

6 weeks pregnant but look about 5 months pregnant?

You may be having a multiple birth. You could also just be a heavier person. Heavier people gain weight faster during pregnancy.

Is it normal to have pink watery spotting the day your period is due?

This can be a indication of pregnancy. If your already pregnant, then mention the bleeding to your doctor.

Is it implantation bleeding if you spotted very lightly around the time your period was due and it never got heavier?

Absolutely. Many women think it is their period because all of the period signs are the same. I just found out I was pregnant after 2-3 days of dark brown- light spotting. I had terrible cramps and thought something was wrong with me. I took 4 pregnancy tests at different times and all negetive. Today I took one and found out I am indeed pregnant. Yeeaaay!! Be Patient. Your HCG levels need to go up to get a positive test and it may take a few days.