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Brown is just old blood, if it was only slight bleeding and no cramping it was unlikely to be a miscarriage, just what is called a 'threatened' miscarriage. Your doctor may send you for an ultrasound scan just to check all is well.

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Q: You had a day of bleeding now its turned brown you have no cramping is it a sign of miscarriage?
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What symptoms do you get with a miscarriage?

brown spotting , no heartbeat in u/s brown spotting , no heartbeat in u/s brown spotting , no heartbeat in u/s

If have been spotting brown and bleeding then after almost a week of spotting you start cramping are you pregnant or did you have a miscarriage?

im 16 and i was supposed to start my period a couple weeks ago and i never did now i am spotting brown blood i was wondering if anyone could tell me what that means

What could cause brown bleeding for more then 10 days?

usually means a miscarriage

If you are Bleeding brown colored blood and cramping but your baby has a healthy heart beat can you still miscarry?

More than likely you are fine, brown blood is old blood, that usually means that it is ok. You have capilaries by your cervix you could have popped one when you had sex.

If you were unaware of a pregnancy and have been experiencing brown and pink discharge constantly some bleeding and clotting some pain on and off for the past 13 days is it likely to be a miscarriage?

It is likely that there is a miscarriage. It should be checked out, but you could also just be cramping cuz your body is changing and you can also still bleed when you're pregnant. yes

Two to six weeks pregnant My hcg is 45 as of yesturday and ihave had Dark red bleeding and cramping and just 4 hours later is is light brown and not heavy at all but still cramping. Is this normal?

well no because you r only supposed to spot but not bleed you may have had a miscarriage you may need to see a doctor im sorry

What are the classic signs of a miscarriage?

Early miscarriage symptoms may include low back pain, abdominal pain and cramping, or passing of fluid and bleeding. Spotting and bleeding is a normal occurrence for some women during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, a woman who has bleeding should check with her doctor immediately to make sure everything is ok especially when coupled with pain and cramping. Normally the term miscarriage is only used when there is a spontaneous abortion before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Possible signs of miscarriage may be related to infection, hormonal factors, health problems with the mother, or caused by an immune system response. Spontaneous miscarriages usually occur because there are genetic or other serious problems with the unborn baby.

What is the color of blood after a miscarriage?

* The most common and clear symptom of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding associated with or without pain. The blood color can range from brown to bright red and could be accompanied by cramps. Bleeding could be in the form of mild spotting, persistent bleeding, heavy bleeding and passage of large clots.

Dark brown vaginal bleeding for 2 weeks not pregnant and no pain or cramping What could this be?

The best person to answer your question is your doctor.

You are 6 weeks pregnant and had brown spotting for couple days then yesterday had a big bleed past a blood clot and now all the bleeding has stopped would this be a miscarry had no cramping?

not a Dr., but sounds like it. Please see your OB right away.

Could you be having implantation bleeding if you have slight cramping pain and light brown and pink bleeding for about 3 days?

Hi, The bleeding you experienced was too long for implantation bleeding. It sounds like a period. See your doctor incase you have a infection.

You are 15 weeks along am cramping and bleeding have had a brown muck-is looking clots come out am I having a miss carriag?

Unfortunately, that sounds like you are...