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It could be, but it could also be a sign of hundreds of other things, from something you ate, to the beginnings of the flu, or even (just as an example) radiation poisoning!

Now in truth it need be none of those things, sometimes people just get nauseous. If you are pregnant, then many tests can determine this within 14 days past conception. So it's almost been long enough for you to get and take a home pregnancy test.

That'll give you more information.

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Q: You had intercourse 12 days ago now feeling nausea throughout the day could this be a sign that you are pregnant?
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How soon can you tell you are pregnant without a pregnancy test?

As soon as you start getting your nausea feeling in the mornings.

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No, it does not occur until 2 weeks after sex at the earliest. For most women it does not start until 4-6 weeks after sex

If i have a negative pregnancy test but feeling nausea can i still be pregnant?

In some cases yes you can, But go to a doctor to be sure!

What are every symptoms of being pregnant?

missed period, nipples are dark, breasts grow, feeling sick/nausea

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Many problems cause fatigue and nausea. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is unlikely on the contraceptive implant.

You have been on the implanon for almost a year now and lately you have been feeling tired and nausea Could you be pregnant?

Many problems cause fatigue and nausea. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is unlikely on the contraceptive implant.

Are you pregnant if your nausea?

If you have nausea in the mornings you very well could be pregnant.

One week pregnant and feeling nausea but no other symptoms is that normal?

Nausea and vomiting are very normal during the first week of pregnancy. Sore breasts/nipples, frequent urination, Dizzy, constipated. All early signs of being pregnant. Of course the ultimate clue you are pregnant is missed period.

What is the meaning of nausea?

to have a feeling to vomit

Is it possible to know your pregnant 21 days after intercourse?

it depends. but you should check for signs like nausea, dizziness period does not show up, you feel sleepy all the time etc.

Is it common to be nausea's before your period?

no. it is not. if you have been vomiting or feeling nausea on a daily basis, then you should see a gynecologist to see if your pregnant. otherwise, something is wrong with you. BTW, the flu is going around too, so there is another thing you have to worry about.