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It takes nine months for a baby to develop fully so Yes

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Q: You had intercourse five weeks ago could you be pregnant now?
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When you are five months pregnant how many weeks are you?

when your five months pregnant how many weeks are you? when your five months pregnant how many weeks are you?

How far pregnant would you be five weeks after intercourse?

They count pregnancy from your last menstrual period not from when you actually had sex and conceieved. So if its been 5 wks since you had sex and got pregnant but you had your period like a week before that then you'd be 6 weeks pregnant. Or if you started your period 2 weeks before you had sex then you'd be 7 weeks pregnant.

If you ovulated on 100408 could you have conceived on 100908?

No, you cannot get pregnant five days after ovulation. In order to get pregnant, you must have intercourse before or the day of ovulation. But keep in mind, it is hard to pinpoint the exact day of ovulation.

You are 5 weeks pregnant and you are showing is that normal?

Nope! You could just be bloated, constipated or are just "wishing" or "waiting" for it, if you will. At five weeks there is just an embryo, only about 2 millimeters long! Here is what your baby looks like at five weeks... *

You are 7 weeks pregnant when did you get pregnant?

she would have conceived 3 weeks prior. so Jan 17. even if you didnt have sex on this day, if you had sex within the few days prior, the sperm could live until you ovulated on the 17th.

What should be expected by a would be mother who is five weeks pregnant?

A mother who is five weeks pregnant may experience morning sickness and strange mood swings that did not occur before. They can also expect various hunger cravings.

How big should you be at 5 weeks pregnant?

You shouldn't be big at all. At five weeks pregnant you have just developed an embryo. An ultrasound typically will not even be able to detect a heartbeat yet.

Blood test last week say you'm 2 weeks pregnant and same test this week say I'm 6 weeks along could this be twins?

It shouldn't mean twins sometimes even bloodtests come out wrong like my aunt had a child but during her pregnancy they said it was 5 weeks along but they tried for the baby 2 weeks before not five n they did not have intercourse since... also twins shouldn be that far apart because twing are born within mminutes to hours apart.

Dark brown spotting with tiny chuncks at five weeks pregnant?

If you want to keep it get to the hospital

When your five months pregnant how many weeks are you?

Actually now they say that when you are in your 5th month pregnant you are 17-20 weeks, if you go by being 10 months till your full term. I am 17 weeks pregnant now, and i am in my 5th month. Just think of it like this. If you are 20, you have actually been here for 21 years. because the first year of your life does not count. If you think about it , it will make sense. So if you are 21 weeks you are then on your 6th month..hope this helps

How long would a human fetus be at 36 weeks pregnant?

At 34 weeks, the fetus is roughly 18inches (45cm) from top to toe

I am twelve weeks pregnant but there is no heart beat and it only measures to eight weeks and five days whats going on?

You should really ask your doctor about this.