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my guess is no. but you should just take a pregnancy test. it's more accurate than my guess

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Q: You had two periods in one month your first period was first week of January and you had a period again last week of January and its only one day is it possible that im pregnant?
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Is it possible to be pregnant if you had a period three weeks after intercourse?

Yes. it is possible. A woman can have a few periods or even regular monthly periods during pregnancy.

To be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Its not possible you dont have your period at all if you pregnant and you wont have a normal period if you are its possible that it wont even come on which is a missed period. Most women do mistake periods for implantation bleeding (spotting),which is not a period just because they see a red spot or they bleeding on and off their pregnant while their on there period, no it doesnt work that way if you having periods while your pregnant please get checked.

Can you get pregnant on her period?

It is possible but does not happen often. Its more likely to happen to a girl who's periods are irregular.

Can you period get you pregnant?

It is possible but does not happen often. Its more likely to happen to a girl who's periods are irregular.

Could you get pregnant on your last day of your period even if you have irregular periods?

Yes, You could get pregnant whether you have regular periods or not. But, If you have your period and you get pregnant it could lead to a miscarriage.

Can a girl still have her period even if she is a virgin?

Yes, all girls have periods. If you skip your period you are probably pregnant. Periods tell you that you are not pregnant.

You had a period but Im still pregnant?

not possible, you either get your periods or you are pregnant (you don't get periods anymore through out pregnancy)

Can you still be pregnant if you are on your period?

yes, its possible that you can be if your periods has always been irregular they often still longer if you but that's how you know.

Is it possible to diagonise pregnancy five days before periods?

if you have a period, you are not pregnant. don't, YOLO, be safe and use a condom.

Can you have your period while pregnant if you have irregular periods?

no, not if you're truly pregnant.

Can you be on your menstrual period while pregnant?

No once you are pregnant your periods will also stop.

Can a woman be pregnant and still have period?

Yes, it is possible to still have a period while pregnant. But, as with all things, if something just doesn't feel right, you should consult your doctor.