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Chances are really good that the piercing will shrink making reinsertion of the barbell difficult, if this occurs visit your local body piercer where they can reinsert it using and insertion taper.

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It's possible that the hole could partially close up in a day, but it may not fully close depending on how long you had the tongue ring in for. The longer you had the tongue ring, the longer it may take for the hole to close completely.

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Q: You had your tongue ring for about 8 months if you take it out for a day will the hole close up?
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What can you put in place of a tongue ring when you dont have one so that the hole doesnt close?

You can use a piece of retainer jewelry made of plastic or silicone to keep the hole from closing without having a tongue ring in place. Alternatively, you can visit a piercing shop and ask them to insert a temporary acrylic or glass retainer that will maintain the hole until you can reinsert your tongue ring.

How long it takes 4 a tongue ring hole two close?

It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for a tongue ring hole to close completely. The healing time can vary depending on individual factors such as the length of time the piercing was in place, how well it was cared for, and individual healing processes.

How long can you leave your tongue ring out if you had it for 2 years?

If you have had your tongue ring for 2 years, you should be able to leave it out for a few hours without any issues. However, it's best not to leave it out for an extended period of time as the hole can close up quickly, especially in the first few years after getting the piercing. Be cautious and monitor how your tongue reacts to longer periods without the ring.

How long do you have to wait before you can take out a tongue ring?

It is generally recommended to wait at least 6-8 weeks before changing or removing a tongue ring to allow the piercing to heal properly and minimize the risk of complications. Make sure to consult with your piercer for specific guidance based on your individual healing process.

How do you change a tongue ring?

To change a tongue ring, start by washing your hands with soap and water. Gently unscrew the ball at the bottom of the current tongue ring using clean hands or latex gloves. Slide out the old tongue ring and carefully insert the new one, then screw the ball back on tightly.

Related questions

Does a tongue ring hole close up?

It depends on how long you had it in. ( a week yes probably.. 5 months no)

Can you take your tonuge ring out while it swollen?

yes you can but just make sure you put it back it because if you don't your hole will close back up and it do try to find your hole and take your tongue ring a twist the ring back into the hole

How long for a 8 year tongue ring hole to close?

After 8 years chances are good it's permanent at this point.

I had my lip pirced for about 6 months and you lost my lip ring will the hole close?

Unless you get jewellery back into it it will close, and fairly quickly at that.

What can you put in place of a tongue ring when you dont have one so that the hole doesnt close?

You can use a piece of retainer jewelry made of plastic or silicone to keep the hole from closing without having a tongue ring in place. Alternatively, you can visit a piercing shop and ask them to insert a temporary acrylic or glass retainer that will maintain the hole until you can reinsert your tongue ring.

With a tongue ring is it normal for you tongue to close over the ball under your tongue?

No, its not. Go see your piercer.

What if your lip hole closed when your ring is there?

It can't close if it has a ring in it stupid

Can you put your tongue ring back in after you have had it out for a long time?

Many times, the hole will close and you will to get it pierced again. However, sometimes you can still slide it in, it's a case-to-case basis.

How long it takes 4 a tongue ring hole two close?

It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for a tongue ring hole to close completely. The healing time can vary depending on individual factors such as the length of time the piercing was in place, how well it was cared for, and individual healing processes.

When you get your tongue pirced do they have use the needle or can they just put the ring in?

Well the only way to put anything into a tongue is to use a needle to pierce the tongue first then put a barbell into the newly pierced hole. (Please quit calling it a tongue ring, it's a barbell and not a ring).

When can you get new tongue ring?

You only have to wait until the swelling goes down.Improved Answer:PLZZZ wait at leat a month or so before you change your tongue ring... because if you don't then when you take it out to put in your new ring your tongue WILL swell causeing the hole to instantly close back up... even if your tongue isn't swolen any more dosent mean it cant swell back up... && most likely it will... just wait.. it wont hurt to wait...

What would happen if you took out your tongue ring after only one week?

It will close