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no but talk to a doctor your period can be irregular

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Q: You have PCOS and have had no periods for 4 months then you started brown spotting and then led into a light flow period with no cramps but severe nausea could you be pregnant?
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Is it possible to be pregnant after spotting without any menses cramps then suddenly got cramps and heavier bleeding with short periods?

Can you be pregnant and get your period and have cramps?

No, you can have cramps and spotting at the time for your first period after conception but not full menstrual flow.

You are having period cramps can you still be pregnant?

I took 8 cytotec in 2 days but bleed little now am spotting with cramps am I still pregnant

When do you know when you have started your periods?

You know you have started your period when you see spots of blood on your underwear. most of the time you first starrt spotting then you know you have started it. but some people also get menstral cramps or boobs hurt, also even you get back aches.

Is it normal to have cramps and light spotting and still be pregnant?

It's not normal, but can happen. See your doctor.

Is painful spotting normal in pregnancy?

I was almost 2 months pregnant and had cramps the whole time, i asked my doctor and all my friends who have been pregnant if it was normal to experience cramping and they all said yes. I started spotting and had my first miscarriage. I would go make sure everything is okay.

Just took 2 pregnancy test both positive but I'm having cramps and spotting help?

If both pregnancy tests are positive, you are pregnant. Those cramps and spotting is PERFECTLY normal. Nothing wrong there.

I was supposed to get my period but instead all I had was spotting dark brown and dark red blood its totally different from my usual periods I didn't even have cramps Did any preg women have this hapn?

You can still have spotting when you are pregnant. This is a normal symptom. I would talk to your doctor about any changes you are having.

If you still get your period but no cramps can you be pregnant?

No, you cannot have periods after you are pregnant. You can have minor vaginal bleeding but it is not a full period flow.

My period isn't due My breasts are sore and I'm getting cramps. It seems to soon for premenstrual signs. We were trying to conceive so could I be pregnant?

Yes. I was expecting my perid to come on, I had the regular cramps and even started spotting, but it turned out I was in fact pregnant. I wasn't on the shot then and wasn't taking any medicine. So I would say yes, you could be pregnant.

At 4-5 weeks pregnant is brown spotting and period like cramps normal?

If it is a boy, yes. If it is a boy, yes.

What does relly light pink spotting and light cramps mean if you have irregular periods?

You just said it honey, you're "spotting" due to irregular periods. Obviously your body is trying to start it's menstrual cycle but to get more details, you may have to consult with your physician.