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Probation IS a sentence after being found guilty of an offense. A lenient sentence perhaps, but a sentence nonetheless. Violation of the terms of your sentence (probation) could send you to prison/jail to serve the unexpired portion of your sentence behind bars.

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Q: You have an outstanding warrant from Texas issued on moved to Alaska and violated your probation.Will the warrant go away or what do you need to do?
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Can you get a job with an outstanding warrant for failure to pay a ticket or is an outstanding warrant an outstanding warrant when applying for a job?

If the job you are applying for does a check it will show up. I would pay that ticket and get it cleared up if you want the job. Get that "puppy" taken care of.

What is the difference between a bench warrant and an outstanding warrant?

A BENCH WARRANT is issued by a judge on his own authority. A 'regular' warrant is applied for by law enforcement and then submitted to the court for its approval. The word "outstanding" merely refers to the fact that the warrant has not yet been served.

On an outstanding warrant can they enter your property without a search warrant?

They already have a warrant for the arrest of a person so they do not need another one to entire the residence of the named person. However, they do need a search and seizure warrant to search the premises for anything or anyone not included in the "outstanding" warrant.

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What means a warrant inquire?

A warrant inquiry is an investigation requesting information about outstanding warrants of arrest or restriction

When does an Arrest warrant become a outstanding arrest warrant in nc?

The moment any arrest warrant is signed by the judge it becomes an outstanding warrant. It may take a couple of weeks for the Warrants Division of the Sheriff's Office to enter this in their database, but once they do it shows up on the NCIC right away.

Can probation be violated in SC by going to jail on a warrant from before your probation period?

It's impossible to tell what is in the mind of a sentencing judge, but it is entirely possible that you could be remanded to jail. It's very possible that IF the court had known you were wanted on an outstanding warrant at the time you were sentenced to probation, that you may have never even been offered such a lenient sentence to begin with.

How can you check to see if there is still a warrant in Mexico with someone with my same name?

Turn yourself in. If the warrant is not still outstanding, walk away.

How many warrants do you need to make it outstanding?

The questioner has their terminology confused. When a warrant is OUTSTANDING it simply means that it is current and is waiting to be served.

Can you go back to school if you currently have an outstanding warrant?

well there are sites everywhere for that

If a person has an outstanding warrant on them in Missouri but lives in Tennessee can this person be arrested in Tennessee for this outstanding drug related charge?

Yes. If you are a fugitive from MO and your warrant appears on the National criminal information computer system (NCIC) you can be arrested wherever you happen to be found.