



A warrant refers to a written order issued by the court or an official authorizing a person to execute an office or to perform an act. It is usually directed to officers of the peace and sheriffs.

2,846 Questions

How much time can you get for a felony in Maryland?

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Felony penalties in Maryland vary depending on the severity of the offense and other factors. Possible prison sentences range from 1 year to life imprisonment for more serious felonies. It is important to consult with a legal professional for specific information related to a particular case.

Why can you go to war at age 18?

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The legal age to go to war in many countries is 18 because that is the age at which individuals are considered adults and can make decisions about their own safety and well-being. Additionally, younger individuals may not have the physical or mental maturity required for military service.

What major social problem warrants sociological research?

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One major social problem that warrants sociological research is income inequality. Sociologists can study the causes and consequences of income inequality, as well as how it impacts various aspects of society such as health, education, and social mobility. Understanding these dynamics can help inform policies and interventions aimed at reducing inequality and promoting social justice.

How can we stop crime?

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Reducing crime requires a multifaceted approach that includes addressing root causes such as poverty, inequality, and lack of education. Investing in community programs, improving law enforcement practices, and promoting rehabilitation and reintegration opportunities for offenders can also help reduce crime rates. Collaboration between government, law enforcement, communities, and social service organizations is essential to effectively prevent and address crime.

What is the statute of limitations for misdemeanor in Arkansas?

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Misdemeanors are set in Arkansas at 1 year. Felonies are much longer. This can be tolled for up to 3 years if they are absent from the state.

What is a Class C Misdemeanor?

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The state of Utah defines a Class C misdemeanor as driving while intoxicated, driving under a suspended license, or driving without a valid license. Many city and state traffic violations are also considered Class C misdemeanors.

What are the warrants issued in The Star Tribune newspaper in Chatham Virginia this week?

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I'm unable to provide real-time information on specific warrants issued in Chatham, Virginia this week. It's recommended to contact the Chatham Police Department or the County Sheriff's Office for the most updated information regarding warrants in that area.

Who else shows up at a crime scene besides the police?

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Forensic Experts: Trained professionals specializing in collecting and analyzing physical evidence such as fingerprints, DNA, and trace materials.

Crime Scene Investigators (CSI): Technicians who document and photograph the crime scene, ensuring a thorough record for further analysis.

Detectives: Investigative officers who work alongside uniformed police to gather information, interview witnesses, and develop leads.

Medical Examiner/Coroner: Responsible for determining the cause of death and conducting autopsies if necessary.

First Responders: Paramedics or emergency medical personnel who provide medical assistance if there are injured individuals at the scene.

Legal Representatives: Lawyers or legal experts who may be present to ensure proper adherence to legal procedures and rights during the investigation.

If a warrant was issued for drug sales for your house only and police search your car and find drugs can that evidence be used against me even though the car was not included in the warrant?

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If the search of your car was conducted without a warrant or any other legal justification, the evidence found in the car may potentially be considered illegally obtained and could be challenged in court. However, if there was a valid legal basis for the search of your car, such as probable cause or another exception to the warrant requirement, the evidence could be admissible in court, even if the car was not included in the original warrant.

If police are searching for stolen stereos and cocaine is found can it be seized?

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Yes, if police are lawfully conducting a search for stolen stereos and happen to find cocaine, they can seize the cocaine as evidence since it is an illegal substance. The seizure would be based on the discovery of a separate and distinct crime unrelated to the stolen stereos.

What is survellance?

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Surveillance refers to the monitoring or observation of individuals, groups, or activities to gather information, maintain control, or prevent or detect crime. It usually involves the use of technology, such as CCTV cameras, drones, or tracking devices, to collect data and maintain continuous supervision over a targeted area or individuals. Surveillance can have both positive and negative implications, depending on its purpose and how it is conducted.

How does Weeks v US impact us today?

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Weeks v. United States, a landmark Supreme Court case decided in 1914, established the exclusionary rule which prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence in federal criminal trials. This decision has had a significant impact on protecting individuals' Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. The exclusionary rule continues to be a crucial tool in ensuring the fairness and integrity of criminal proceedings in the United States today.

Can you go to Puerto Rico if you have a warrant?

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I'm not a legal expert, but generally, having a warrant may make travel difficult. Warrants are typically issued when there are pending legal issues or charges against an individual, and it's possible that you might be detained or arrested if authorities become aware of your warrant while traveling to Puerto Rico. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to understand your specific situation and any potential risks involved.

How much does school cost to become a CSI?

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The cost of education and training to become a Crime Scene Investigator (CSI) can vary depending on several factors such as the type of program (certificate, associate's degree, bachelor's degree), the institution, and whether it's in-state or out-of-state tuition. Generally, the cost can range from a few thousand dollars for a short-term certificate program to tens of thousands of dollars for a bachelor's degree from a university. It is recommended to research and compare different schools and programs to find the most affordable option that meets your needs.

Within how many days federal search warrants must be executed?

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Federal search warrants must be executed within 10 days.

The scope of a valid warrantless vehicle search is limitless?

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The scope of a valid warrantless vehicle search is not limitless. It is generally limited to areas within the immediate control or reach of the driver, where there is a reasonable belief that evidence of a crime may be found. Searches that go beyond these limitations may be considered unreasonable and violate the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.

What are the probable cause reasons for a judge to sign a warrant for a tap?

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There are several probable cause reasons that may lead a judge to sign a warrant for a wiretap, including the likelihood that the targeted individual is involved in criminal activity, the belief that the information obtained through the wiretap is relevant to the investigation, and the necessity of a wiretap for the success of the investigation. The judge must find sufficient evidence and justification to authorize such intrusion into an individual's privacy.

If you fail to appear on an infraction will they issue a warrant?

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Yes, if you fail to appear in court for an infraction, a warrant may be issued for your arrest. It is important to fulfill your legal obligations and appear in court as required to avoid any potential consequences.

If you get a street sweeping ticket will you get a warrant for arrest if it is unpaid?

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In most cases, unpaid street sweeping tickets do not result in a warrant for arrest. However, it is important to check the specific regulations and laws in your jurisdiction, as they can vary. It is generally advisable to pay the ticket promptly to avoid any potential legal consequences or escalating penalties.

Will police pick you up at work for a bench warrant?

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It is possible for police to pick you up at work if there is an active bench warrant for your arrest. However, this can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the policies of the police department. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional for guidance.

What happens in New Jersey with bench warrants?

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In New Jersey, a bench warrant is issued when someone fails to appear in court as required. The warrant authorizes law enforcement to arrest the person and bring them before the court. Once arrested, the individual may be held in custody until their court appearance or until they post bail.

Can a warrant be issued for a civil summons?

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No, a warrant cannot be issued for a civil summons. Civil cases typically involve disputes between individuals or entities and are not criminal in nature. Warrants are typically issued in criminal cases when someone is accused of a crime and fails to comply with a court order or fails to appear in court.

What if you forgot about your court date and now got a warrant?

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If you forgot about your court date and now have a warrant, it is important to contact an attorney immediately. They can help you navigate the legal process and advise you on the best course of action. Turning yourself in and following the guidance of your attorney is usually the most appropriate way to handle the situation.

What is a written order directing a law enforcement officer to arrest a person?

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A written order directing a law enforcement officer to arrest a person is commonly known as an arrest warrant. It is issued by a judge or magistrate and provides legal authority for the officer to apprehend and detain the individual named in the warrant. The warrant typically includes information about the alleged offense and the individual being arrested.

Do the cops need separate search warrants for padlocked doors?

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Yes, the police generally need separate search warrants for padlocked doors. A padlocked door is considered a barrier that requires an additional level of authority to bypass or open. The police would need to demonstrate probable cause to a judge in order to obtain a specific search warrant for a padlocked door.