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What starting to happen is you baby is getting older so the feeding are not as demanding so your uterus is not being pulled on as much so you may have a period and you may not. If that was the first time you receive your period it not normal until you have 3 to 6 months straight on the same cycle each month. Its go and come when your breast feeding dont worry

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Q: You have been breastfeeding for 6months and last month you got your normal period back you have not gotten your period yet this month and am 5 days late What is the problem?
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Is it normal to not have a period for over 6months?

It is not normal. see a doctor immediately

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No. That is not normal. You please consult the Gynaecologist.

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Nope, you cannot be an egg donor when you're pregnant. In order to be considered for a cycle, you would need to be done with breastfeeding and have gotten at least one normal period.

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Yes; you are expending more calories than when you were pregnant (if your baby is exclusively breastfeeding)!

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Breastfeeding helps your uterus contract and shrink back to normal size...hence cramping. Very common.

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It depends, if you feed him/her a lot of breastfeeding, the baby can throw up regularly, but if you are suspicious that this is not the case, then it isn't normal. The best thing to do is to refere this to your doctor so he can see what the problem is.

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Yes, this is normal. The nipple stretches as the baby sucks it towards the back of his/her mouth to draw the milk from the breast. The nipple will soon return to its normal shape.

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It is changing from breastfeeding a baby to feeding the baby with normal milk, formula milk and solid foods.

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It is changing from breastfeeding a baby to feeding the baby with normal milk, formula milk and solid foods.

If i gave up breastfeeding 3 months ago and you still havent had a period is this normal?

Yes, but you might be pregnant again.

What are some health benefits to the mother of breastfeeding?

The act of breastfeeding releases hormones that stimulate the uterus to contract, helping it to return to normal size after delivery and reducing the risk of bleeding. The act of producing milk is thought to burn more calories.

How long after giving birth is normal for your period to return if you have breastfeed and had implanon implant?

Both breastfeeding and the contraceptive implant can prevent bleeding.