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No most likely do you have to go to the dentist.

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Anything you take will only bring temporary relief; best to bite the bullet and go see a dentist.

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Q: What can you take for a pain in your tooth im 4 months pregnant?
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What can you take for tooth pain while 4 months pregnant?

Tyenol or any kind of pain killer would be fine but if you aren't sure if you want to use that method Oragel worked awesome for me and than i went to see my dentist. Take care (:

Hello.. Im 5 months pregnant. Im having alot of pain on my left side of my mouth. Would i be able to get my wisdom teeth remove while im pregnant?

Doctors are reluctant to give medication to pregnant mothers for fear of passing on anything to the baby. But if the pain is unbearable they will take it out for the poison in the infected tooth can travel down to the baby.

Can you take pain reliever while im 7 months pregnant?

Yes you can take paracetamol. Do not take too many doses. If they pain doesn't go after a day see your doctor.

You are about 4 months pregnant will it hurt the baby if you take pain killers?

Yes taking pain killers can hurt the baby any doctor will tell you that. You can only take pain medicine without acetimenophen.

How long does it take for your tooth to grow in?

It usually takes about from six months to five months.

How can you take out a loose tooth without the pain?

There will be a chance of pain if the tooth is still attached. If the tooth is ready to come out, use a fast motion and push the in tooth in the direction of the tongue. Fast impacts and pulling with a yanking motion should lessen the amount of time there could be pain.

What can you take for pain before having a tooth removed?

take ibuprofene it really seems to work !!

How long does it take for a chipped tooth to get heal?

1 or 2 months

How long does it naturally take for a tooth to grow in?

about two to three months.

Can Ii take celebrex while taking clindamycin?

Can I take Celebrex while taking Clindamycin? I need to take a pain reliver becasue of tooth pain.

What can pregnant women take for severe wisdom tooth pain?

THE BEST THING TO TAKE is a trip to the dentist to have the "severely painful" wisdom tooth removed. I would think a localized shot of Novacaine would be much safer for your unborn baby, as opposed to taking ANY kind of pain killer orally. Plus, if your wisdom tooth is VERY painful, it's probably IMPACTED, so you could eat pain killers every day and it won't CURE it. It will only treat your symptoms (tooth pain), and will not get to the ROOT (get it?? root haha) of the problem. So please go see Dr. Happytooth as soon as possible. GOOD LUCK !

Is it safe for pregnant to take out tooth?

Yes and it would probably be worse leaving it.