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the way is going on a diet to lose the fat that is stored under your skin, so you could be more "ripped"...that means decreasing your calories intake, starting cardio in high intensity, and weight lifting with a bit lighter weights for more reps than you used to..

try to keep your protein level at 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight in order to preserve the muscle from going to be catabolised, the essential fatty acids at a level of 25-30% of total calories intake and try to keep the only carbs pre/during/post workout..

you can also do carb cycling to help fastening your metabolism..that is: 3 days lower the carbs by 150 grams and 1 day add 200 grams to your carbs intake, then 3 days low 1 day up, etc...

on the cardio session now, it isn't how long you do cardio is how you do...high intensity cardio on the days off from lifting or the days when you lift (but after lifting) is a good way to go..and you don't have to keep it more than 30 minutes example of cardio training is: 5 minutes warmup,1 min sprint,1 min lower the intensity(not very much),1 min sprint,1 min lower...etc...and final 5 minutes lower, to end your cardio in a moderate heart rate pace

a good time to do your cardio is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach(or you could take BCAAs before, to stop your body from catabolising muscle) and after the cardio session have a protein rich breakfast....

well, if you eat a clean diet with a calorie deficit you can lose fat and preserve the muscle(well most of it) and get that defined look....

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Q: You have big muscles but im not defined really how do you get more defined without losing muscle?
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A muscle such as the heart muscle that does its job without thinking about it?

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Can you fast without losing muscle?

No because the muscles need protein to grow or maintain themselves, if you are not getting protein they can't maintain a constant size or grow more and will lose bulk.

What is the difference between a voluntary and a involuntary muscle?

A voluntary muscle is one you must consciously choose to move, such as when pointing your finger or picking up a glass. An involuntary muscle is one that moves without you choosing to move it, such as heart muscle, and muscles involved in reflexes such as eye blinking.The difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles is (involuntary muscle)when you move without you choosing to move it and (voluntary muscle) that is when you can choose a muscle to move with.Voluntary muscles are consciously moved. Involuntary muscles are not consciously moved, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles are examples of involuntary muscles. When a muscle is both voluntary and involuntary it is considered voluntary.

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Yes. Voluntary muscle are defined as muscles that you can control. The heart, for instance, is not since it moves on its own. You can control if and how your lip muscles move, thus making them voluntary.

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Yes and no, running works your legs. If you do not strain muscles, they cannot tear which what makes them stronger. Without the strain you lose muscle. When running you work your leg muscles, so those muscles you won't lose but upper body isn't worked as much so they will shrink.

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Generally, voluntary muscles are striated and skeletal muscles, while involuntary muscles are smooth muscles and are visceral (located in organs). Voluntary muscles are muscles that can be consciously contracted, while involuntary muscles are muscles that are contracted at certain times or at all times without the conscious consent of the brain.

What are two involuntary muscles?

Smooth muscles are involuntary in action means muscle that the muscles contract without conscious control. Smooth muscles are found in walls of internal organs such as stomach and intestine and bladder and blood vessels.