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Q: You have blisters on the back of your head after a viral infection?
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What does it mean if I have 10-15 bumps, sore to touch, on my head and after 2 days I have a few small clusters of blisters on my face.....and a swollen neck. It seems like an infection that is moving.

What is the leading cause of anosmia in adults?

Anosmia occurs in about 10% of head trauma injuries, and head trauma is a leading cause of anosmia in young adults. In older adults, the disorder is generally caused by viral infection.

What is the examples of catarrhal inflammation?

Catarrhal inflammation is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Examples of catarrhal inflammation are laryngitis, head code, upper respiratory tract and bronchitis.

What is bad about head infection?

It's an infection. It's in your head.

Is a strong pain in the head a symptom of a kidney infection?

its usually in the lower back but if you want you can google or yahoo it

Can getting hit on the back of the head during a car accident cause a sinus infection?

no, just a concussion.

Can anyone help I think my White Albino Catfish is sick as I've noticed parts of his head and body are blue?

it could be a viral infection or fungus. i would take him to ur local vet immediatley. good luck:)

What causes smelling disorders?

Loss of the olfactory sense is generally caused by nasal congestion or obstruction. Other causes. Viral upper respiratory infection. Cigarettes. Medications. The aging process. Mental conditions. Head injury. Idiopathic loss.

You have ringing in one ear and pulsating in other also pain in back of head?

If I were you I would make a doctors appointment. You could have an ear infection.

Why does your cat have water blisters on his head?

jesus loves me this i know! for the bible tells me so! little ones ....

What does Blisters in your throat mean?

You're giving too much head, lay off the dick for a few days

Pain behind the ear back of head?

Sores behind your ears can be acne. You can make an appointment with the dermatologist to have him or her look at the sores.