

You have oily skin and lot of pimples?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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  • Wash your skin no more than twice a day and after you perspire heavily.
  • Use a gentle cleanser and don't scrub.
  • Don't pick, pop, or squeeze pimples. This prolongs healing time.
  • Use products labeled as "noncomedogenic." They tend not to clog pores.
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10y ago
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Q: You have oily skin and lot of pimples?
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I use cetaphil, i have oily skin and quite a lot of blemish's. After using cetaphil for a few months my skin is as oily and it use to be and i dont get to many pimples anymore. so i say yes cetaphil does work on pimples, and oily skin.

Does oily cream cause pimples?

If you have a oily skin, definitely it does! But if you have a normal skin, maybe. Or if you have a dry skin, it doesnt.

How do pimples erupt?

Pimples erupt when your skin is very oily by your skin follicle, pimples can be erupted by stress, genetics or malnutrition. Your skin gets very oily especially during puberty and can strike anywhere at any time. You can either pop it which will result in scaring of your skin tissue or you can use acne cleansers, proactive etc...

What is oily skin type?

Enlarged poresDull or shiny, thick complexionBlackheads, pimples, or other blemishes

What causes pimples and how can you prevent or stop it?

Pimples are caused by dirt and oil in the pores of the skin. You can prevent them by washing your face and using a cream from the drug store. An astringent will sometimes help if your skin is oily.

Will freon hurt your skin?

It can cause your face to be hot and oily and usually causes pimples when inhaled daily

Why does a person with oily skin is more prone to pimples than a person with dry skin?

This often comes down to genetics and your inherited DNA: i.e if your parents had oily skin it is likely that you will as well. However there is a range of products made to target oily skin.

What is the best way to remove oily skin?

You cannot "remove" it. If you have oily skin, you have oily skin for life.You can manage it:Wash your skin no more than twice a day and after you perspire heavily.Use a gentle cleanser and don't scrub.Don't pick, pop, or squeeze pimples. This prolongs healing time.Use products labeled as "noncomedogenic." They tend not to clog pores.

Why do zits or pimples come out near your mouth?

Zits or pimples appear near your mouth because of some body bacteria, which require antibiotics to heal.

Do a lot of people get oily skin?

Yes, oily skin is common. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be so many cosmetics and skincare made specifically for the care and maintenance of different skin types (dry, normal, oily, combination).

There are so many pimples in your face its gettin more suggest you a proper medicene?

well i would suggest u a soap. "Acne Aid". this is a very good soap specially made for pimples, rough skin, oily skin etc .this might help u .

Which website gives best tips to remove pimples?

As far as you are a teenager, surely the tips provided in this website might work out, specially for those who have oily skin.