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If you have some signs of Puberty then things are changing. It all happens slowly over a few years, not overnight.

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Q: You have some signs of puberty but nothings changing what do you do?
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Is it good to have sperm at.11?

Depends. Do you have other signs of puberty? Voice changing? new hair growing in places that it hasn't been? If you have some of these things that means you are in puberty and it means that you can get a girl pregnant should you engage in sex. I would suggest you go to your dad or a male you can trust and talk to him about this to get info that is proper and not just talk in the school hallway.

Is it normal 12 year old without any signs of puberty?

no some people get it when they are 13 ,14 or a little bigger

How do you know you are going t oget puberty very soon for your firs ttime?

Before I say anything else, just note; you only go through puberty once in your life. The first signs of puberty are you growing taller and starting to grow pubic hair. Although it may not be very noticeable at first, there are some subtle signs that you can notice.

How can you get rid of your voice change?

There isn't much you can do to prevent your voice changing. It is a normal part of puberty. The only way to stop it is to stop puberty, and that has some pretty serious side effects that you don't want.

Why do some girls become less interested in some sports and video games when they become a teen?

their hormones are changing during puberty and their cycle or they become more mature.

How does adolescence avoid the issues of puberty?

Adolescence does not avoid the issues of puberty, every boy eventually goes through puberty unless he has been castrated or has suffered from some illness or severe physical damage to his testes. Adolescence is just the name given to the period when a youth is changing from a boy into a man, this change is a direct result of puberty.

Why do some people experience different secodary signs of puberty?

Puberty can affect different people in completely different ways. Due to the amount of changes going on in the body (both physically and mentally), people can display different reactions.

Is some hair growth under your arms more pubic hair and a mustache signs of puberty if you are 16 years old 5 feet tall and have not gone through puberty yet?

yeh, that should be a sign of puberty. But all people are different. Some are late bloomers, and that's what you might be. and some people are early matures and hit puberty at age 10. But don't feel lonely, because I too, a 13 year old male haven't hit puberty. yeh, that should be a sign of puberty. But all people are different. Some are late bloomers, and that's what you might be. and some people are early matures and hit puberty at age 10. But don't feel lonely, because I too, a 13 year old male haven't hit puberty.

What are some signs that a girl is hitting puberty besides getting her period?

She sweats A LOT, gets greasy hair, and instead of blood, it is white smelly and gross stuff!

What are some signs that tell you if a child is going to hit puberty early or late?

you cant really tell. it just hits them when it hits them. the most you can do is watch them and see when they are staring to go through puberty. the earliest and latest times most kids usually start to go through puberty is between 12 and 16 years of age

At what age do girls go through puberty?

Females generally start puberty from the age of 9 -14 years old. however puberty varies in every case.Typically, girls start noticing the changes that occur with puberty between the age of 9 and 11. This may occur as early as age 7, however, this differs somewhat with race. The age of menarche (her first period) is about 2 years after the first signs of puberty.Girls are all different some hit puberty at a young age of 8 whereas some hit puberty at 15.See the related questions below for more information..

Can some lotions hurt you during puberty?

Not because you are in puberty.