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Those white maggots are fly larva (fly babies) and they will turn into flies. Chances are, once they are grown, they will mate and die right there in the compost heap. And have more maggots. So if you like the idea of flies living in your garden, no it's not a bad thing. If not, well....

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Q: You have white maggots in your compost. Is that bad?
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Is it usual to have maggots in a compost bin?

I love it when I get maggots in my compost bin because they speed the decomposition of the organic materials. Its important however to move the bin far enough away from the house that there are no objectionable odors. If you use a compost accelerant it will speed up the decomposition without attracting flies which lay their eggs and hatch as maggots. you can get compost alive for green matter from which will do this.

Are maggots among the organisms in a compost bin?

Yes, maggots are among the organisms that may be found in compost bins. The insects in question represent a larval stage that consumes nitrogen-rich layers of compostables and recyclables and helps break down organic matter. The larvae mature into soldier flies (Stratiomyidae family) that encourage beneficial bacterial presences in compost bins.

What is bad for compost?

Plastic is bad for compost because it will alter the temperature during the composting proses.

Bad for compost?

Plastic is bad for compost because it throws the heat of in the pile and can cause a spot to spoil

What color are maggots?

Usually white.

Why are maggots different colours?

Maggots are the larval stage of the fly. They are white to blend in with putrid meat. It is a form of camouflage.

Why are there white worms in flies?

maggots or baby fleis

What can make Vermiform compost?

Vermiform compost is a type of compost that is produced by redworms, white worms or earthworms. These worms consume organic waste and leave behind a rich compost.

What give compost it bad smell?


Can put uncooked white rice in compost?

Yes. You an compost almost any organic substance.

Are maggots decomposers?

Maggots are frequently found in compost and they simply are a stage in the breakdown of organic wastes. Maggots are the larvae of houseflies which are attracted to the rotting materials and lay their eggs on it, thus speeding up the rate of decomposition. When the compost is ready to use, there will be no maggots because all of their food has been consumed.

What are the white worms in feaces?

The white worms that you may find in your home could be maggots. Maggots are the larvae of flies, and are known to cause disease.