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Q: You have your kinesiology degree Are you able to work as a physical therapist assistant And how long will it take me to become a physical therapist?
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How do I train as a physical therapist assistant?

To become a physical therapist assistant, you are required to have an associate degree in physical therapist assisting. Licencing requirements vary from state to state.

How many years of college does it take to become a physical therapist's assistant?


Can you become a occupational therapist with an associate degree?

A physical therapy assistant is typically at the associate degree level. At present the minimum degree requirement for a physical therapist is a master's degree, and soon to become a doctorate.

What advancement opportunities does a physical therapist have?

physical therapist assistant

Do you have to enroll in a PTA program to become a PTA or could you go to a regular college to get your degree?

Most physical therapist assistants earn an associate degree from an accredited physical therapist assistant program. Some States require licensing for physical therapist assistants. There are a number of community colleges that offer the associate of applied science degree (AAS) as a physical therapy assistant. Remember, the AAS degree in this field is basically a terminal degree.

What are the classes you have to take in order to become an occupation therapist assistant?

To become an occupational therapy assistant, you will take courses in anatomy.

Do you ned a masters degee to become a physical therapist?

a physical therapist must have a doctorate now

Physical Therapist Assistant?

A physical therapist assistant, also known as a PTA, provide various services to patients during rehabilitation. They function under the close supervision of a physical therapist. The physical therapist assistant will assist and instruct patients during physical rehabilitative or therapeutic exercises, monitor and assess a patient’s recuperative progress, perform therapeutic massage and even fit or modify specifications on crutches or leg braces. Some physical therapist assistants are also responsible for various clerical duties related to their rehabilitation center’s office. Physical Therapist Assistant Education To provide services as a physical therapist assistant, one must obtain an associate’s degree in physical therapist assisting. In the U.S, over 250 schools offer accredited programs in physical therapy assisting. Curriculum will vary depending upon which school one chooses, but certain aspects must be taught in every physical therapy assisting degree program. Students will primarily learn procedures and theories related to physical therapy. They will also complete coursework in medical sciences and general education studies. During their final semester, students will get hands-on training within an internship. An associate’s degree may not be all one needs in order to practice physical therapy assisting in a professional capacity. Many states require physical therapist licensing, such as successful passing of a state-specific physical therapy assistant exam, certification in First Aid or CPR and a minimum number of hours attending on-the-job training. Physical Therapist Assistant Career Advancement Once a healthcare professional achieves education, licensing and work experience as a physical therapist assistant, career advancement within their chosen field is quite attainable. An obvious way to advance one’s physical therapy career is to become a qualified physical therapist. This will, of course, require further education in the form of a either master’s degree or doctorate. The licensure requirements for a physical therapist are also quite a bit more rigorous. Another avenue for physical therapist assistant career advancement is for the professional to become trained in a certain specialty in addition to their physical therapy assistant training. Specialties can include therapy related to pediatrics, sports, the elderly and many others. If one is considering a career in the health field, physical therapy assisting is a solid and viable choice, as the need for physical therapy assistants will always exist.

If you get certified as a physical therapist assistant by attending a two year program what will it take to be come a physical therapist?

you will need to get a bachelor's in either exercise physiology or biology/pre med before you start PT school. then you will need to get your doctorate in physical therapy and then take the boards to get your license. think 5 more years of college AFTER you become an assistant (2 yr degree).

Can a physical therapy aide become a physical therapy assistant?

The correct term is physical therapist assistant and you must have a license. No such term as an assistant physical therapist. To be a p.t.a. you must earn your applied science associate degree (2 year) from an accredited college ( [] will show you colleges) and pass your boards. Below a p.t.a is a physical therapy aide (usually in nursing home "unskilled" on the job training), as physical therapy technicians are no longer legal due to "abusing" them (cheaper without a license). P.ta.'s work under the supervision of a physical therapist. Good pay for short amount of school however you are limited to that job specifically as it is a "technical" job and not really any easily accessible bridging programs (unless you live in Ohio or California) to become a physical therapist if you so want to later.

Can you become a physical therapist with a marijuana charge?

You cannot become a therapist when you are addicted with Marijuana. A good therapist must not be a patient of any kind of addiction.

Where can one find a tutorial on how to become a physical therapist?

A tutorial on how to become a physical therapist can be found from sites offering career advice, including Careers Advice. Becoming a physical therapist requires at least a two-year associate's degree.