

You have your period yet im having pregnancy symptoms?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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I suggest you take a pregnancy test, but a very reliable sign of pregnancy is the lack of a period at the usual time. You can also speak with a doctor or midwife to establish why you are having these symptoms when you are not pregnant.

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Q: You have your period yet im having pregnancy symptoms?
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It absolutely could. But I wouldn't hold my breath,not yet anyway. A lot of times pregnancy symptoms mimic period symptoms even if it is far off. Good luck!

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you could have all the symptoms of pregnancy but there is no baby there. this can happen if you think that you are pregnant and want to be so your body is having all the symptom's. a negative test could mean that it is too early because your body hasn't started to produce the hormones yet. you should wait until your next period then if it doesn't come take another test, hope this helps ..

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Not may or may not be pregnant :] It depends on when you miss your period.... Just to be sure, and safe, see your doctor immediately, and talk to your parents, they can help you!!

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If your period is not due for another 2 weeks you may not even be pregnant. If you are pregnant and you period is due in a week you would not have any symptoms yet as implantation is only just occurring.

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Yes! as long as it is in that period of a woman's fertility cycle where she is ovulating and she doesn't have to have had her first period yet either. Same after having a baby - she can get pregnant right away, again without having a period. The fertility cycle comes before the period.

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If you know you are pregnant it could be yes, sometimes you feel your uterus as the ligaments stretch and of course the first movements you feel around 20 weeks feel like butterflies. If you have not yet missed a period butterflies are not a sign. Hello. Butterflys in your tummy, in itself as a symptom I wouldn't put down to pregnancy. The main tell tale sign of being pregnant is a missed period or various early pregnancy symptoms. But yes women can experience butterflys in their tummy but this is usually when their two - three months along. Wait till your period arrive hun then do a test if it isn't normal or doesn't arrive. Take care. Actually, although not necessarily common or reliable, having a "fluttery" feeling in your abdomen can be a sign of pregnancy, especially when accompanied by the more common pregnancy symptoms (nausea, headache, backache, frequent urination, breast tenderness, etc..). If your period is late, take a pregnancy test.

Could i be pregnant missed Period Cramps Headaches didnt take a test yet though am I pregnant?

I can't tell you if you are pregnant, because I'm not psychic. But I can tell you that those are pregnancy symptoms, so you shouls take a pregnancy test, which can tell you if you are pregnant or not

You're not even developing yet and all your friends are but you have possible signs of having your period but your friends don't yet why are you getting it?

there is no need to worry you will all get your period in time so don't stress if you have some symptoms that they don't just relax and enjoy life until it happens. =]

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No. That early you are not even pregnant yet.