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You know pay the fine, you ignorant piceofshit.

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Q: You know the light was yellow ticket said it was red lost case now what?
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Related questions

How do know if you got a ticket?

The police officer will hand it to you, or in the case of red light cameras, it would be sent to you by mail.

Can you make a left turn on a yellow light in New York City?

Yes, if there is no oncoming traffic. If the light turns red while you are still in the intersection, you are liable to receive a red-light ticket, especially if the intersection is one of the many that have a red-light camera.

Why does mixing yellow light with red light make white light?

i have know idea

There is a yellow warning light on your astra what does it mean?

Without know what the warning light say's, all I can tell you in Yellow means caution.

What color can cats' fur be?

Well cats fur are in many colors. Here are all the colors I know. Black, white, orange, sriped, yellow, gray, light orange, brown, light bown, light yellow, light gray, and dark gray. These are the colors I know. If you know any more, write below. . . .

What is a light reddish yellow brown color?


Does call of duty cause the yellow light of death?

The game does not cause the yellow light of death. You can know this for sure because not every person who has a PS3 that had the yellow light of death has played Call of Duty games.

Yellow engine light comes on for my Honda Accord 2002?

I need to know if there is a yellow engine light or red engine light. Could it be timer chain or timer belt?

There is a light on the dash and you do not know?

there is a yellow light that comes on, it a circle with 3 dots on esch side

How much does a ticket cost for running a red light in Ohio?

i dont know why dont you have a go

What 2 colours make mustard yellow?

Light or paint? I know for sure that yellow light is made of red and green to get mustard yellow, just use different hughes of those colors. As for paint, and I'm guessing here...yellow and some brown.

Do you get a ticket for 70 pound if you park on the single yellow lines for 5 minuits?

i don't know that's what im wondering aswell