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well, late pregnancy u/s can vary + or - 2 weeks. you could have ovulated earlier or later in your cycle.

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Q: You know your conceived date is 22nd June but your dating scan came out 2 weeks before this how is this possible?
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If an ultrasound scan shows you are 13 weeks on 18.12.2006 what are the chances you conceived before october 5th?

If you were 13 weeks on 18 December you conceived on or around October 2nd.

When you go for a ultrasound and the doctor tells you that you are twenty weeks does that mean you conceived twenty weeks ago?

No. Your due date is calculated from two weeks before actual conception. You are actually pregnant for 38 weeks. You conceived 18 weeks ago.

Can you count back the weeks of your pregnancy from a dating scan to see when you may have conceived if your LMP is unknown?

I just had a child and I had no idea when my last MP was or when around he was conceived, but if you know already how old around the fetus is, then you can get somewhat of an idea, but it won't be exact. Yes. If you count back two weeks less than the length of your pregnancy, that is approximately when you conceived. For example if your dating scan says you are 10 weeks pregnant, counting back 8 weeks will give you your approximate date of conception.

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Yes, that is possible. You can still have a period while pregnant, thought it usually looks like spotting or gets lighter. You could have also conceived while on your period. I hope I helped!

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At this stage there is so much variation in babies sizes that 10 days difference is not important. EDC is based on LMP by the way, it may be adjusted at an early (before 12 weeks) scan, but not at 26 weeks.

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When did you get pregnant if your due date is July?

You conceived approximately 3 weeks before you realized your period was late.

When did you conceive if you are 4 and a half weeks pregnant?

You conceived 4 and 1/2 weeks before you wrote this question. Check your calendar to see the exact date.

Is the date of birth the same date you conceived?

No. The conception date is about 9 months or 40 weeks before the date of birth.

When given a dating ultrasound do you need to subtract two weeks for an actual date?

When you have a dating ultrasound you are given an EDD (estimated date of delivery) If you count back 40 weeks from this date it should be about when your last period was. If you do not have a regular cycle they may not correlate exactly. 38weeks back from your EDD is approximately when you conceived.

How many month pregnant you are if you are 25 weeks pregnant?

According to dating calendars, pregnancy officially lasts 40 weeks, beginning with the first day of the last menstrual period. We know that most women ovulate around day 14 of her menstrual cycle, which means the baby wasn't really conceived until at least week 2. Thus, if the doctor says you're 25 weeks pregnant, the baby was probably conceived about 23 weeks ago. There's sort of a disconnect between medical dating (40 weeks) and layman's dating (9 months). If you're 25 weeks pregnant, though, you have 15 weeks left to go, which puts you about 5 1/2 months pregnant.

When is baby due date if conceived on September 09 2011?

After the implantation of embryo on the wall of the uterus has taken place, it takes 40 weeks for the foetus to fully develop. In most cases, the time period before the baby is born is around 40 weeks.