

You like to sit by the fire and purr?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: You like to sit by the fire and purr?
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Related questions

What does cats do in front of the fire?

I don't have a cat but i think they purr or sleep lazily in front of the fire.

Why do cats need to be comfortable to purr?

cats purr because they are happy and like their situation, and being comfortable is a happy situation, so the cat will purr.

Are domestic cats more like tigers or lions?

When domestic cats return to their ferral ( wild ) state they exhibit pride behavior like lions.

What word sounds like fur?

her, purr

How do you know that the tiger is happy?

It doesn't eat you. -It will purr just like domestic cats. Their purr might sounds like a growling due to their size.

Are guinea pigs good?

If you mean good pets, I would say yes! They make very good pets! They will sit in your lap or on your chest, and you can stroke them and they will wheek or purr. Wheeking is like squeaking.

What causes a cat purr to sound like a pigeon?

All cats can have different sounds when they purr from loud purring that sounds like a locomotive to sounding like a pigeon. Cats have muscles in their voice box that vibrate to cause the purring sounds and most cats purr when happy.

What feeling are cats feeling when they purr?

Mostly, cats purr when content and satisfied. It's like a human making the sound "ahhhh" after a filling meal. Cats also purr when stressed or in pain.

Why does my cat purr a lot?

Cats purr alot when they are happy or when they sometimes want you to pat them. ~ Need more help on Howrse? PM me! I am Claire6318 ;D

What are some purr words?

Purr words would include words like, "home," "national security," "trust," and "freedom fighter." Snarl words would include words like, "terrorist," "liar," "greed," and "foreign." The way a person or group is labeled (with a purr or snarl word) often depends upon who is doing the labeling.

How do you purr?

Humans do not purr.

Why do people sit too close to the fire?

People sit close to the fire because they're cold.