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The first thing you need to consider is that if a firearm is present in your household, your son can be said to be in possession of it, which is against the law. If you feel you need a firearm to protect yourself from your son, you will have a hard time justifying why you allow him to live in your home.

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Q: You live in mi your son is a felon who lives with you can you get a permit to carry a gun?
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Some states will allow out-of-state residents to get a concealed carry permit by that state, but not all states do this.

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yes i know because what happen to ti and he lives in arozona

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Only with CCW Permit. I myself live in Englewood, Currently you can not even carry a weapon in Denver County without a Permit even less conceal it. Sorry...

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You will have to define "gun permit". It means different things in different places. In some areas, you must have a permit to possess a gun, in some places a permit to carry a gun, and in others, a permit to carry a gun concealed. depends on the laws where you live- and we get questions from all 50 US States and multiple nations other than the US.

You live in AZ and have an out of state felony can you open carry a pistol after ten years?

No. The prohibition for felon in possession of a firearm is federal law.

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Not if that felon still lives in prison. ------------------- It depends, the rules are all different - depends on what department/state you are applying with. You will need to ask a recruiter.

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You do not need a permit to carry a stun gun in Florida.

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Concealed carry laws vary from state to state, and sometimes from county to county. Check with your local county sheriff for the requirements where you live. In most states a short course on gun safety is required.

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I do not think so, most states do not permit a convicted felon to be around hand guns. Especially if they are on parole or probation, and the Parole officier can and will come to your home unannounced and if they see that or feel that may be the case, they can violate the parole.

Can you legally carry a pistol in your car?

It depends on where you live, and if you are required to have a permit for a handgun yes, because you may just need it for self defense You may need it for self defense, but the question was is it legal. The answer is, it depends on where you are. In the U.S. you can carry a pistol in your can without a permit in some states, but some states require a permit.

Can you carry a black powder hand gun on you at all times with out a gun permit?

were do you live in KY yes long as it a side arm.