

You lost the filling on post crown over root canal?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: You lost the filling on post crown over root canal?
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Is a root canal necessary when getting a crown?

In my experience the answer is yes. I have had three root canals and only one crown. Let me explain before you get excited. I had an uneventful, yet rather expensive root canal/crown combo shortly after having my son 8 years ago. Then I had another root canal done in 2/08. I had a temporary filling in place. I never went to get the crown done because it was too expensive and I had lost my dental coverage. Well fast forward to today and I had to get another root canal on that same tooth because it became reinfected and was throbbing painful. So while researching "how long until Novocaine wears off". I saw this question was unanswered and thought I could share my experience. I know the entire root canal/crown thing is really darn expensive but in my experience don't wait, 'lest you want to do it all over again.' By the way, the charge to redo my root canal was more, not less expensive the second time around. You better believe I am getting my crown right away this time.

Is a crown always needed after a root canel?

Type your answer here..once a root canal is complete the nerve is removed. thus, no nutrients etc are able to feed to that perticular tooth. over time the tooth becomes brittle and prone to fracture thus a crown is then placed on it to prolong the "lifespan" of the tooth.

Do you need a crown if you have a root canal on a lower left molar performed over a bridge?

If you have a root canal done, most likely you'll need a crown. But if it was done through a bridge, there is already a crown on that tooth. A bride is just three or more crowns fused into one piece to replace a missing tooth. It is possible that doing a root canal through the brige will damage the bridge and the whole until may need to be replaced if that happens. But that's not common.

What protects a root canal?

Once root canal treatment is performed, the patient must have a crown placed over the tooth to protect it. The cost of the treatment and the crown may be expensive.

Can you tell if you have lost a filling?

Yes. I lost a filling eating a gumdrop an hour ago (9:21pm) and I didn't feel a thing. But now it hurts like crazy! (10:26pm) And I had to put an ice-bag over it. What I'm saying is you can tell, but it takes a while.

Why does it hurt under your tongue after root canal?

Many people don't realize that there may be 3 - 4 canals in a tooth and sometimes the dentist may miss the extra canals. Also some dentists will do the root canal and fill the tooth, but a crown or cap is the answer. If it's filled it could be the filling causing the agitation. Please see your dentist for the proper diagnosis.Personal Experience:I HAD A root canal, and topped it off with a $1000.00 crown (gold and composite). About two to three years later, I began to have a little pus "pimple" appear on my gum line near that tooth. My dentist is one of the best and has done about $10,000.00 worth of work in my mouth over the last 12 years. He checked me out and said that he had missed a small piece of "root" in one of my "canals". He apologized, of course. He then drilled a small hole in my cap and crown and sucked out that piece he missed two years ago. He then filled the hole in my crown with a special composite material. If in doubt, SEE YOUR DENTIST.

Does a PT Cruiser have a vent on the transmission for over filling?

It has a vent, but it is not for over filling.

What happens when your tooth rots underneath a crown?

The decay starts to grow and spread into the denten which is where the nerve is located causing one to then need a root canal. If the tooth can be saved a root canal is done, the tooth is built up and a new crown is placed over the tooth. if the tooth cannot be saved then it is extracted and replaced by a bridge, implant or a partial

Speech for turning over of crown?

give me an exampe of speech for turning over the crown

What could be the cause of pain in a tooth that had a root canal done through an existing crown over 5 years ago?

Either the root canal was incomplete, (one canal or little channel was left uncleaned, waiting to be infected, most commonly happening on a molar) or the crown is 'leaking' at the margins, letting bacteria enter and eat the existing tooth structure. Or, you may be surprised to find out, it is not the tooth you think it is. Go to your dentist. He may tap your teeth with a metal instrument and find it is the tooth next to it.

You got a bridge with two crowns a weeks ago and the pain is unbearable Dentist says you may need root canal now Is that normal and how do they do it without taking off bridge and crowns?

The need for a root canal after having a crown placed is not 'normal' per se, but it does happen often enough. When the decay on the tooth is removed, sometimes the nerve is damaged in the process. This does not mean the dentist did anything wrong. It simply means the decay was more extensive and closer to the nerve than was known. Fortunately, the crown or bridge does not have to be removed in order to perform a root canal procedure. The dentist can simply drill through the crown as if it were a natural tooth and place a silver or tooth colored filling when the root canal is completed. Now for the bad news: The root canal may fail. If this happens, you will lose the tooth and probably a major portion of the bridge as well. Before you have him perform the root canal, discuss what your options are if the root canal fails. Also make sure everyone understands what fees you will be refunded or office credits you will receive if the root canal fails. After all, you have forked out major bucks for the bridge already, you now have to pay for the root canal, and you may even get to pay for an extraction before it is over. IMO, you are entitled to at least a portion of the bridge fee as a refund in the event you lose the bridge. If the dentist is not willing to offer this compensation, I recommend you see an endodontist to have the root canal done. He's a specialist in root canals and your chances for success may be better with him. Granted, his fees may be higher, but if his procedure works, you will save the entire bridge.